CELIP works with licensing matters

Subject: CELIP works with licensing matters
From: Teresa Hackett (eblida@nblc.nl)
Date: to 19 heinä  2001 - 15:46:32 EEST

CELIP is reaching its targets

The licensing information project for Central and Eastern Europe, CELIP,
has completed its first half. Five of the ten workshops on licensing
issues have been held: in Bucharest, Vilnius, Prague, Sofia and in Zilina,
Slovakia. The amount of the very interested audience has in every place
exceeded the expectations. We waited for ca. 40-50 participants, but the
average has been 65. When comparing the atmosphere with the preceding
CECUP (see www.eblida.org/cecup/) workshops on copyright, licensing seems
to be a much more concrete topic, which is also activating a lot of

The project is coordinated by EBLIDA, Tuula Haavisto is project manager,
and ten national library associations are the national participants. One
representative from each library association belongs to the Steering
Group. The project begun in November 2000, and will be completed in
January 2002.

A preliminary report on the licensing situation in the CEE countries is
available on the web (see www.eblida.org/celip/documents/doc.htm). The
final version will be published at the beginning of 2002, including
material gained in the workshops on-site.

The CEE countries are not inexperienced in licensing issues - databases
have been used for a longer time, as well as off-line electronic
publications, CD-roms. Concerning web products, especially the big eIFL
Direct programme by the Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation) has had
a deep influence (see www.eifl.net) in this region. The eIFL idea is, that
the Foundation has made a framework contract with EBSCO providing good
provisions and reasonable prices - the detailed contracts and the
financing must be arranged on national level. Because eIFL covers also
public libraries, the licensing knowledge among public librarians is also
on quite high level.

An important part of CELIP, as well as of the preceding project CECUP, are
the relations to rightowners. The goal is especially to encourage
discussion on national level. In 1999 national rightowners were not yet
very interested in electronic publishing. In mid-June 2001 in Prague we
could see much more interest towards these contacts from both national
publishers, organisations and international rightowners. For international
publishers, the CEE countries begin to offer realistic market potential.

CELIP has an own website, which is maintained actively:
www.eblida.org/celip/. It is integrated with the CECUP and ECUP+ websites.

CELIP Steering Group members are active in different conferences. The
Slovenian member of the SG, Dr. Maja Zumer, will give a presentation on
the licensing situation in the CEE countries in the IFLA conference (see
http://ifla.inist.fr/IV/ifla67/papers/049-83e.pdf). Two CELIP SG members,
Ms. Emilija Banionyte (Lithuania) and Dr. Jaro Susol (Slovakia), will
report on the Central European and Baltic countries in the Euro ICOLC
(International Coalition of Library Consortia) conference in Helsinki on
November/December 2001. Ms. Teresa Hackett, Project Coordinator, is an
active member of the Frankfurt group (follow-on of TECUP), and brings the
CELIP views to that forum.

In addition to licensing matters, the Steering Group is discussing other
actual and related topics. In the last SG meeting in June an important
overview was made to the national adoption of the new EU copyright

What about the future? The CELIP SG thinks, that there is need to continue
contacts on licensing issues between libraries on the European level. The
licensing development is continuously so turbulent, that libraries must
co-operate to find common policies.

For more information, please don't hesitate to ask me or Teresa Hackett!

Tuula Haavisto
Project Manager


Tuula Haavisto (Ms.)
Project Manager
CELIP www.eblida.org/celip/
(Central and Eastern European Licensing Information Platform)

e-mail tuulah@kaapeli.fi c/o e-Office
mobile tel. +358 - 40 - 568 9396 (earlier Virtual Office)
In Finland 040 - 568 9396 4. Linja 24
faxes: +358 - 9 - 7289 6050 FIN-00530 Helsinki
and 7289 5060 Finland

Teresa Hackett, Director
P.O. Box 43300
NL-2504 AH The Hague
Tel: +31-70-309 0608
Mobile: +31-6-20416579
Fax: +31-70-309 0708
Email: eblida@nblc.nl
EBLIDA Lobbying for Libraries

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