Re: World Intellectual Property Day & essay competition

Subject: Re: World Intellectual Property Day & essay competition
From: Alan Story (
Date: su 25 maalis 2001 - 14:00:07 EEST

I could suggest a few lines to act as a catalyst for the student essays that
WIPO is requesting on the theme: "What does intellectual property mean to
you in your daily life". (see below)

It means:

1) more than 25 million people in Southern Africa with HIV/Aids cannot get
access to patented anti-HIV medicines, many of which, such as AZT, were
developed using public funds.

2) a U.S. corporation can patent the properties of India's famous Neem tree.

3) university students in the UK (and elsewhere) are charged exorbitant
copyright royalty charges (paid to already bloated publishers; Reed Elsevier
profits in last financial year were £690 m) for non-profit course packs
mostly containing articles written by university academics;

4) whistleblowers (e.g. in the movie The Insider) are fired from their jobs
for exposing how cigarette companies deliberately covered up the dangers of

5) more restrictions on the operation of libraries are actively promoted by
publishers and included in EU and U.S. legislation.

Anyone else got some suggestions?

Alan Story

Alan Story
Kent Law School
University of Kent
Canterbury Kent U.K
CT2 7NS.
44 (0)1227 823316
----- Original Message -----
From: "Teresa Hackett" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 6:22 PM
Subject: World Intellectual Property Day & essay competition

> To: ECUP list
> WIPO press releases
> The first ever World Intellectual Property Day takes place on 26
> April 2001, the date on which the Convention establishing WIPO
> (the World Intellectual Property Organization) entered into force in
> 1970. WIPO member states decided at their last annual meeting to
> designate this date for special activities to highlight the importance
> and practical use of intellectual property in people's lives.
> As part of a series of events, WIPO has launched an international
> essay competition open to university students. The 2000 word
> essay must address the question "What does intellectual property
> mean to you in your daily life". It can be submitted in Arabic,
> Chinese, English, French, Russian or Spanish. A prize of 1000
> Swiss francs will be awarded for the best essay in each language.
> Entries must be sent to the WWA by December 1, 2001. The
> winners will be announced on World Intellectual Property Day
> next year, that is, on April 26, 2002.
> For further information, please consult
> Questions can be addressed to
> Essays and university details must be sent to:
> Mrs. Francesca Toso Dunant
> World Intellectual Property Day International Essay Competition
> WIPO Worldwide Academy (WWA)
> PO Box 18, CH-1211, Geneva
> Switzerland
> Teresa Hackett, Director
> P.O. Box 43300
> NL-2504 AH The Hague
> Tel: +31-70-309 0608
> Mobile: +31-6-20416579
> Fax: +31-70-309 0708
> Email:
> ********************
> EBLIDA Lobbying for Libraries
> ********************

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