Subject: list of selected WIPO meetings
From: Barbara Schleihagen (
Date: pe 11 helmi 2000 - 13:09:02 EET
Here a few details from the forthcoming list of WIPO meetings from
March to October 2000:
11,12 and 14 April, Geneva: Standing Committee on Copyright and
related rights (Fourth Session). The committee will continue its work
based on the results of its third session (16-20 November 1999).
12 and 14 April, Geneva: Preparatory Committee for the WIPO
Diplomatic Conference on Audiovisual Performances. The
preparatory Committee will prepare recommendations to the WIPO
General Assembly concerning the convening of a Diplomatic
Conference on Audiovisual Performances, including dates, venue,
invitations and rules of procedures.
10-14 July, Geneva: Standing Committee on Information
Technologies (Fifth Plenary Session). The Committee will discuss,
among other, project management methodologies to be implemented
by WIPO and planning mechanisms relating to the Information
Technology Strategic Implementation Plan.
Further information is available at:
Barbara Schleihagen
Barbara Schleihagen, Director
P.O. Box 43300
NL-2504 AH The Hague
Tel: +31-70-309 06 08
Fax: +31-70-309 07 08
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