<indecs> conference: managing online IP commerce

Subject: conference: managing online IP commerce
From: Barbara Schleihagen (eblida@nblc.nl)
Date: ti 21 joulu  1999 - 10:53:18 EET

Conference announcement below for your information.
Regards, Barbara Schleihagen
From: "Charles Maddison" <cmaddison@copyright.com.au>
To: <cmaddison@copyright.com.au>
Subject: CONFERENCE: managing online IP commerce
Date sent: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 18:18:55 +1100

21 December 1999

E-commerce metadata conference for Sydney 2000

A conference reporting on the latest developments in developing a
metadata schema for trading intellectual property online will be held in
Sydney in March 2000.

"Putting works to rights" will showcase the work of the two-year
<indecs> metadata project, an international effort to generate a formal
structure for describing and uniquely identifying intellectual property,
the people and businesses involved in trading IP, and the agreements
make about their trades.

The key to the <indecs> schema is agreement on common standards
to govern the interoperability of data in e-commerce systems,
providing the foundation for online commercial transactions for
copyright works in all media including text, audio visual, music and
multimedia works.

<indecs> is supported by 11 international partners, including
Australia’s Copyright Agency Limited. The conference will be hosted
by the Australian Copyright Industry Alliance (ACIA).

Together, the project’s partners and affiliates represent the creators,
producers and distributors of a significant proportion of the global
intellectual property domain.

These organisations recognise that, in the network environment,
differences between different types of intellectual property – text,
graphics, sound, still and moving pictures – become largely irrelevant.
supporting the <indecs> project, they share a vision of the requirement
for interoperability between systems designed to support different
of content which have in the past been managed in distinct and

Who should attend?

The conference will present the <indecs> metadata model for
discussion and feedback, and is targeted to people with either
technical or operational interests in the use of metadata processes to
enable the exploitation of content in the digital environment.

        a.. Copyright specialists
     a.. Internet business managers

      b.. Digital library managers
     c.. National standards organisations

      d.. E-commerce specialists
     e.. Rights holders

      f.. Electronic publishers
     g.. Rights managers

      h.. Electronics manufacturers
     i.. Standards consortia members

      j.. Government policy makers
     k.. Technology developers

      l.. Internet broadcasters

Conference details


  a.. Thursday 9 March and Friday 10 March 2000.

  a.. The Wentworth Hotel, Phillip Street, Sydney.
More information

For more information or to register, please telephone Copyright
Agency Limited on: 61 - 2 - 9394 7600 or email

Info on <indecs>

What will <indecs> produce?

<indecs> will deliver a series of proposals for standardisation, the
significant of which will be derived from the data model itself, along
with guides to its implementation. These will be supported by high-
specifications of related services.

The intention is also to build an international consensus in support of
the application of the <indecs> schema to managing commerce in
intellectual property in the network environment.

<indecs> will not be delivering or piloting any specific technology
application of the model. It is a principle of the project that the model
should be entirely independent of any application.

What makes <indecs> different from similar initiatives?

Most other projects have concentrated on a specific part of the overall
requirement for metadata – focussing either on a specific use for the
metadata (discovery, for example) or a single type of intellectual
property (like music).

Although different sets of data may be required for different purposes,
many of the data elements required, for example, for the "discovery" of
intellectual property are identical to those required to manage other
aspects of the process of delivery from creator to user. This is
intuitively obvious, even though in the "real world" it has become
commonplace to use completely different sources for this data.

How does <indecs> relate to other standards initiatives?

<indecs> is not seeking to supplant existing standards for the
description of intellectual property in different "domains". Its aim is to
establish a method for interoperation between them.

Media contact:

Charles Maddison Phone: 02 - 9394 7684
Media Affairs Officer
Copyright Agency Limited

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