Russia extents copyright protection

Subject: Russia extents copyright protection
From: Barbara Schleihagen (
Date: ke 20 loka   1999 - 12:51:03 EEST

Press release
Brussels, 18 October 1999

European pop stars to enjoy copyright protection in Russia

Russia has agreed to extend copyright protection to European sound
recordings produced before 1995, following an agreement with the EU. As a
result, pop classics like the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and Johnny
Halliday will enjoy effective protection for illegal copying, as will
Deutsche Gramaphon and other classical producers. Up to now, Russian
recordings produced as far back as 1943 have enjoyed protection, whereas
only those European recordings produced since 1995 enjoyed IPR protection.

Russia has undertaken to amend its legislation on copyright and related
rights, trademarks, service marks, geographical indications and
appellations of origin in order to comply with international standards,
following an agreement with the European Union. For its part the EU has
agreed to assist
Russia through technical assistance programmes on IPR.

Under the terms of the 1997 EU-Russia Partnership and Cooperation
Agreement, Russia undertook to bring its IPR legislation into line with EU
legislation by the year 2002. This agreement paves the way for this process
to be concluded far more speedily.

Envisaged amendments to the Russian copyright law will bring the Russian
system up to European standards ensuring the necessary protection for all
music right-holders. In the past, representatives of European industry and
right-holders organisations have complained about the lack of effective
protection in Russia. The European music industry has condemned the fact
that whilst protection is provided for Russian sound recordings dating as
far back as 1943, only non-Russian recordings created since 1995 enjoy
copyright protection. Older works of famous artists such as the Beatles or
the Rolling Stones could therefore be copied and sold freely on the Russian
market resulting in major revenue losses for European record companies.

The agreement also addresses IPR enforcement in Russia which falls short of
international standards set out in the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related
Aspects of Intellectual Property rights. Russia's commitment to amend its
Criminal and Customs Codes and to reduce currently high levels of piracy
and counterfeiting, will benefit both European and Russian investors and

(Source: RAPID Press and Communication Service, 18.10.99)

Best wishes,
Barbara Schleihagen
Barbara Schleihagen, Director
P.O. Box 43300
NL-2504 AH The Hague
Tel: +31-70-309 06 08
Fax: +31-70-309 07 08

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