Subject: NeLH Electronic information scoping study
From: Barbara Schleihagen (
Date: to 02 syys 1999 - 12:11:38 EEST
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 10:32:25 +0100
From: Andrew Cox <>
Organization: LITC
X-Accept-Language: en
Subject: NeLH Electronic information scoping study
Content-Length: 1967
[For immediate release]
1st September 1999
Electronic information: purchasing, access and copyright issues for the
National Library for Health (NeLH)
A team from Learning and Information Services and LITC, South Bank
University led by John Akeroyd has won the contract to carry out a three
month scoping study of the issues relating to the purchase of electronic
information for the National Electronic Library for Health, NeLH.
The project will aim to:
* Identify core electronic content and publishers
* Define appropriate licensing models
* Evaluate national level purchasing experience in other sectors, e.g.
Higher Education
* Consider the issues raised by authentication of users, security and
* Define the technological prerequisites for users
* Identify the management, support and training issues
On the NHS side the project is being led by Veronica Fraser, NHS Library
Adviser, working with Louise Jones, Jane Mackenzie and Pam Prior of the
NHS Regional Librarians Group (Purchasing Panel). SBU are
represented by John Akeroyd, Liz Fairclough, Sally Brock and Andrew Cox.
If you have comments or an interest in the project please contact Andrew
Cox, LITC,, phone 0171 815 7058. The project home page
Information for editors
NeLH was announced in Information for Health, the Government's
Information and Technology Strategy for the NHS
* to provide easy access to best current knowledge;
* to help improve health and healthcare, clinical practice, and patient
LITC is a self financing centre within LIS, dedicated to publishing and
researching ICT applications in libraries and information services.
-- Andrew CoxLITC South Bank University 103 Borough Road, London, SE1 0AA +44 (0)171 815 7058 phone +44 (0)171 815 7050 fax email
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