Subject: Interdisciplinary Intellectual Property Conference
From: Barbara Schleihagen (
Date: to 22 heinä 1999 - 12:46:34 EEST
Originally posted to,
forwarded by Prof. Dr. Elmar Mittler<>
for your information.
Barbara Schleihagen
Resent-date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 12:01:41 +0200
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 16:24:59 -0400
From: "Sheldon W. Halpern" <>
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Subject: Interdisciplinary Intellectual Property Conference
This is a preliminary notice of an interdisciplinary conference to be
held at The Ohio State University College of Law from February 10
through 12, 2000. The purpose of the conference is to explore the
impact of technological chang e on the creation, dissemination, and
protection of intellectual property. The primary focus will be on
copyright and the multi-disciplinary effect of the interface of law
and digital communication technology on such fields as computer
science, history, literature, art, and the humanities. Conference
participants from these various fields will interact with legal
academics and practitioners specializing in copyright and related
areas. Participants who have already committed themselves as
presenters or commentators for the conference include, in addition
to several well known legal academics, Stephen E. Weil, former
director of the Hirshorn Museum, Larry Gross (Sol Worth Professor of
Communications, The Annenberg School for Communication), Joel Snyder
(Chair, Department of Art History, University of Chicago); we expect
broad representation from several other fields. More formal
announcements and notices will be sent out as we proceed, but I
wanted you to be aware of this now both so you can make plans for
it and to provide any comments or suggestions for the program or
Thank you very much
A tentative Program outline follows:
Conference on the impact of technological change on the creation,
dissemination, and protection of intellectual property
Program: February 10, 11, 12, 2000
Thursday, February 10, 2000:
1. Reexamination Of The Function and Role of Copyright: Rethinking the
Purpose of Copyright Law in Light of Technological Change
1.1. How must copyright law respond to digital technology to
meet its constitutional mandate "to promote the progress
of science and useful arts"?
1.2. Does technological change require a particularistic legal
structure with different legal norms for different kinds
of intellectual property?
1.2.1. Does "non-discrimination" remain a viable doctrine?
1.2.2. Is there a principled basis for sui generis
protection for certain kinds of work?
1.2.3. Is there a principled basis for distinguishing
works in a digital form from other kinds of works?
1.3. Rethinking the nature of the rights of the creator in his or
her intellectual creation: how has digital technology, and
the ability instantaneously to disseminate information
globally, affected the normati ve function of copyright law?
2. Toward a Workable Doctrine of Exemption and Fair Use
2.1. Should the present general fair use "safety valve" be
abandoned in favor of more detailed, specific statutory
2.2. Does digital technology require a new definition of
2.3. Does digital technology require a new set of specific
Friday, February 11, 2000:
3. Implications of Technological Change and Application of Intellectual
Property Laws for the Creation and Dissemination of Musical and
Artistic Works.
3.1. Do digital reproduction techniques require a new approach to
the copyrightability of derivative works?
3.2. Is the present display right adequate to deal with digital
reproduction and distribution of artistic works?
3.3. What is the appropriate scope and nature of protection for
copyright holders of musical works with respect to digital
reproduction, dissemination, and performance of those works?
4. Technology and proprietary rights in technology: protection for
computer software and other intellectual property related to
5. Information, research, and protection of and limitations on data and
5.1. How, if at all, can the product of research be protected in
a manner consistent with society's need for free access to
information, in an environment of instantaneous mass access
to, and redistribution of digital data?
5.2. How, and to what extent, can the European paradigm of data
privacy protection be integrated into a United States model?
Saturday, February 12, 2000
6. The Impact of Technological Change on the way in which Libraries,
Archives, and Educational Institutions Deal with Intellectual Property
6.1. How can distance learning schemes be developed and
implemented consistent with protection of intellectual
6.2. How can libraries and archives use digital technology to
enhance their collections and improve public access to them
consistent with protection of intellectual property?
Sheldon W. Halpern
The Ohio State University College of Law
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