New UK initiative for publisher/librarian co-operation

Subject: New UK initiative for publisher/librarian co-operation
From: Barbara Schleihagen (
Date: ma 12 heinä  1999 - 14:57:11 EEST

Originally posted to:,,, by Fred Friend
<> for your information.
Regards, Barbara Schleihagen

Subject: New UK initiative for publisher/librarian co-operation
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 07:22:58 EDT
X-Listprocessor-Version: 8.2 -- ListProc(tm) by CREN
Content-Length: 2229

Please note this important new initiative released by the UK JISC today.
If successful this initiative will provide users of libraries with the
benefits in electronic document delivery that they have enjoyed with
paper-based inter-library loan while providing a fair return to
publishers. The Steering Group for this project is Chaired jointly by
Sally Morris of ALPSP representing the Publishers Association and by Fred
Friend of University College London representing JISC.

Pilot project for supply of electronic documents, complementing "inter-
library loan"

JISC is releasing today requests for proposals for a pilot project and its
evaluation. The main request for proposals describes a pilot project for
delivery of articles in the electronic environment, under conditions
similar to "inter-library loan", as agreed in outline in discussions
between representatives of the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)
and the Publishers Association (PA). The second request for proposals is
for the independent evaluation of the pilot project

JISC has agreed to part-fund this pilot which would run for 24 months. It
is clear that the funds available are insufficient to fully fund the
project, but we hope that the potential for continuing and growing
business after the pilot will make this an attractive proposition.
Publishers who agree to participate in the pilot may also be making a
substantial investment, in both costs and staffing, to ensure an
appropriate interface with their own systems.

This is an exciting opportunity to develop and pilot systems and services
which will be of real and continuing benefit to students, academics and
publishers alike.

Funds available are 69,000 pounds including VAT for the main procurement
and 20,000 pounds including VAT for the evaluation. The RfPs close on 6
September, 1999.

The RfPs are available at
for the main tender, and
for the accompanying evaluation tender.

Chris Rusbridge

Programme Director, Electronic Libraries Programme The Library, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK Phone 01203 524979 Fax 01203 524981 Email

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