CECUP report announcement

Subject: CECUP report announcement
From: Tuula Haavisto (tuulah@kaapeli.fi)
Date: to 17 kesä   1999 - 10:44:28 EEST

New information about copyright and libraries
in Central and Eastern Europe

The first CECUP State-of-the-Art report, "Copyright and libraries in
Central and Eastern Europe", is now available on Internet at


The report is based on the answers to a questionnaire that was sent to ten
library assocations in summer last year, and the English translations of
the ten corresponding copyright laws. The laws are extremely interesting
materials to study. Most of them are quite "standard" copyright laws, but
some of them originate from the 60'ies when tradition to write laws was
quite different.

The report includes also link-ups to those copyright laws which can be found
on the Internet in English or in the national languages. There is an Annex
with direct quotations from each law of those articles that are most
important for libraries.

This is the preliminary version and only available via Internet. The final
version will be completed towards the end of the year 1999. It will be
published on Internet and as a paper report. The final version will
include more concrete examples and experiences from these countries. It
will also be up-dated concerning the several revision projects of
copyright laws, which are presently under work.

Any comments or suggestions for further links would be most welcome.

CECUP is an acronym and stands for Central and Eastern European Copyright
User Platform. Its main objectives are to raise copyright awareness among
librarians and to establish contacts between libraries and right-owners in
the ten C&EE countries that are planning to join the European Union in the
near future. It has been running for one year. The partners are EBLIDA and
ten library associations in the ten accessing countries (Bulgaria, the
three Baltic countries, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia
and Slovenia). The financing comes completely from the European Commission
via the Telematics for Libraries programme, and the project will end in
December 1999.

Tuula Haavisto
Project Manager


Tuula Haavisto www.eblida.org/cecup/
CECUP Project Manager

e-mail tuulah@fla.fi c/o Virtual Office
mobile tel. +358 - 40 - 568 9396 Haemeentie 153 B
In Finland 040 - 568 9396 FIN-00560 Helsinki
faxes: +358 - 9 - 560 70 550 Finland
and 560 70 554


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