Subject: Digital Cultural Heritage
From: Rachel Feuchtwang (Rachel.Feuchtwang@Felix.Meritis.NL)
Date: ti 08 kesä 1999 - 12:21:46 EEST
Amsterdam, June 1999
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please excuse this if you have already received this information via another
As part of this year's Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University curriculum, we
are pleased to announce a new collaboration with the Maastricht McLuhan
Institute (MMI) and the Dutch Digital Heritage Association (DEN). The
three-day seminar Digital Cultural Heritage takes place in Maastricht, The
Netherlands, from 12 - 14 July 1999.
The seminar aims to initiate links across the cultural heritage sector by
bringing together high level representatives from museums, galleries,
national collections, archives, and libraries, both academic and commercial,
>from a range of international cultural institutions and organisations. The
inevitable need for digitalisation of cultural legacies gives rise to
crucial issues and implications. The seminar will explore those issues, not
only from a technological standpoint, but also as an intellectual
investigation; how multimedia is transforming learning, and knowledge
management, even the very foundations of culture.
Our speakers represent an international perspective; Dr Kim Veltman,
Scientific Director of the MMI (and co-producer of the seminar); Patricia
Young from the Canadian Heritage Information Network (and current chair of
CIDOC); Professor Kurt Hentschel, Head of Medien Campus Bayern, Munich;
Pierre Coural, Head of Audio-Visual and Multimedia Productions at the Louvre
Museum; Derek Law, Director of Information Strategy at Strathclyde
University; Paul Miller from the UK Office for Library and Information
Networking; all of whom contribute expert knowledge from within the fields
of arts and cultural heritage.
I hope the enclosed information may be of interest to you. If you would like
to pass it on to appropriate colleagues and associates I would be happy to
supply you with additional hard copies. In addition there are a limited
number of bursaries available to those who wish to apply from Central and
Eastern Europe, Northern and Southern Africa, Indonesia and Surinam, and
Arabic speaking countries.
Application information is included here, and we can offer a variety of
accommodation options within a range of prices.
You may also be interested to know that participants may enjoy our
complimentary cultural programme during the evenings of the seminar, which
has been specially put together for participants of the Amsterdam-Maastricht
Summer University.
If you would like further information I can be contacted at the
Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University on tel: +31 (0)20 620 0225, fax: +31
(0)20 624 9368 or email: General information and
details of our other courses can also be found on our website;
I hope to see you in Maastricht later this year.
Yours faithfully,
Rachel Feuchtwang
course co-ordinator
12 - 14 July 1999
Maastricht McLuhan Institute (MMI)
Vereniging Digitaal Erfgoed Nederland (DEN) - Dutch Digital Heritage
Association -
Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University (AMSU)
All over the world, the titles and contents of the great libraries, museums
and art galleries are becoming available on-line. While interoperable,
technological standards are emerging, problems of interoperable
applications, tools, interfaces and usability remain.
The Maastricht McLuhan Institute was set up to study and develop methods for
knowledge organisation and knowledge management in a digital, distributed,
multimedia world. The aim of the MMI is to create comprehensive strategies
for searching, structuring, using and presenting digital resources more
coherently and efficiently; to integrate past knowledge and to produce
ordered knowledge that leads to new understanding and insights.
The Dutch Digital Heritage Association was set up to improve the
accessibility of cultural and scientific heritage in The Netherlands by
means of unlocking the tools of digitalisation. Its aims are to contribute
to the promotion of digitalization and professional development in the field
of cultural and scientific heritage, and to encourage the use of digital
instruments in this field.
This three-day seminar focuses on cultural heritage as a test case for
exploring the implications of digitalisation. How is multimedia
transforming learning, our knowledge organisation and knowledge management,
perhaps our definitions of culture itself?
The seminar will begin with a vision of what is possible and survey current
projects nationally and internationally. The second and third days will turn
to questions of cultural markets and new public/private partnerships. One of
the primary purposes of this seminar is to create new links between museums,
libraries and archives.
1. Cultural Heritage
How should cultural and academic institutions approach digitalisation?
Directors and policy makers in the public sector must now develop strategies
and vision for the future of cultural heritage, to remain abreast with the
accelerating rate of information and communication technology (ICT). The
first day of the seminar will look at existing networks between academic and
cultural bodies, research & development networks, comparing North American
and European models. How do they function? What needs are they fulfilling?
2. Markets
The public sector is under increasing pressure to compete in the global
market-place while simultaneously protecting and promoting cultural
legacies. What are the implications for libraries, galleries, museums etc
when encouraged to behave as commercial enterprises? Who are the target
'consumers' for cultural heritage and are they the same for museums and
galleries as for the commercial sector? Should the market be open not only
to commerce but encourage a culture of experimentation and learning through
trial & error? Day two of the seminar features representatives from academia
and from the private ICT sector, working in partnership with government.
3. Public/Private Partnership
Up until now there has been little strategic development into digital
futures for museums, galleries, national cultural collections. Government
subsidies at present provide scant opportunity for long-term investment.
Thus the public sector must seek partnerships with the private sector,
without 'selling out' to commerce? What happens when a commercial company
offers to digitalise national treasures, creating global access to works of
great historical and cultural significance? The implications for
intellectual property are vast. For instance, at what price does the public
sector grant full rights to the people's cultural heritage - and at what
cost, fiscal and cultural? The final day of the seminar draws together
discussions and profiles from the previous days where participants profile
their own models and present the results to the seminar.
Participant Profile
Cultural heritage management, decision makers in policy, strategic planning
& development.
45 participants
The seminar will be held at the Maastricht McLuhan Institute, Grote Gracht
82, Maastricht, The Netherlands
1500 NLG including daily lunches & refreshments, and admission to the
cultural evening programme of the Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University.
Application & Registration
Applicants should return the completed application form not later than 15
June 1999, to the Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University, PO Box 53066, 1007
RB Amsterdam, The Netherlands (fax +31 20 624 9368).
Participants are expected to register on Sunday 11 July, from 2 - 5pm at
Maastricht McLuhan Institute, Grote Gracht 82, Maastricht. At 5pm welcome
drinks will be served to all participants and speakers.
Sunday July 11
2pm- 5pm Registration of participants; MMI, Grote Gracht 82,
5pm-6pm Welcome drinks for all participants and speakers
Monday July 12 - Cultural Heritage
9.30am Opening speech
10am Keynote: Kim Veltman, MMI, Visions for an integrated
approach of digitalisation
11am workshops: network models - US/European
Patricia Young, Canadian Heritage Information
Network (CHIN)
Paul Miller, UK Office for Library & Information
Networking (UKOLN)
12.30pm lunch
2pm Forum discussion: (Im)possibilities and realities concerning
network building
Patricia Young and Paul Miller
3.30pm tea/coffee
4pm Discussion and summary of the day by the moderator
Tuesday July 13 - Markets
9.30am Keynote: Patricia Young
10.30am Keynote: Professor Dr. Kurt Hentschel, Head of Medien Campus Bayern,
11.30am tea/coffee
12.00pm Discussion
1pm lunch
2pm workshops: academic institutions/private sector enterprise
Derek Law, Director of Information Strategy, University of
Pierre Coural, Head of Audio-Visual & Multimedia
Productions, Louvre Museum
4pm Summary of the day by the moderator
Wednesday July 14 - Public/Private Partnership
9.30am Forum discussion: The public sector versus the private
Derek Law and Pierre Coural
12pm Working lunch
2.30pm Presentation (by participants) of the working lunch results
4pm Final summary by the moderator
Farewell drinks
Dr. Kim H. Veltman is Scientific Director of the Maastricht McLuhan
Institute and co-ordinator of a new European Network of Centres of
Excellence in Digital Cultural Heritage. He has worked as a consultant in
new media to the CEO of Bell Media Linx (1996-1998), and done research on
new media and standards for Northern Telecom (1995-1998). From 1990-1996 he
was Director of the Perspective Unit in the McLuhan Program at the
University of Toronto. He has a doctorate in the history and philosophy of
science (Warburg Institute, London) and has spent twenty years as a
post-doctoral fellow with support from the Canada Council, the Social
Sciences and Humanities research Council of Canada, the Wellcome Trust, the
Volkswagen, Alexander von Humboldt, Thyssen and Gerda Henkel Foundations,
and the Getty Trust. His research is focussed on the history of perspective,
Leonardo da Vinci and developments in new media. He has published
extensively and taught at the universities of Toronto, Gvttingen, Siena,
Rome I and II, and Carleton.
Derek Law is Director of Information Strategy and Librarian at Strathclyde
University. He has been closely associated with the development of
nationally networked resources for higher education in the UK, where he is a
member of the government's Library & Information Commission. He has worked
on a number of research projects in the digital libraries area and was
(briefly) the first Director of the Arts & Humanities Data Service in the UK
Paul Miller is Interoperability Focus at the United Kingdom Office for
Library & Information Networking (UKOLN). Previously Collections Manager at
the Archaeology Data Service (ADS) of the Arts & Humanities Data Service
(AHDS), Paul is closely involved in a number of international initiatives
intended to enable truly interoperable solutions to evolve, both within the
cultural heritage sphere and beyond. These initiatives include the Dublin
Core, Z39.50 and others, and encompass efforts both to build interoperable
solutions within a single domain such as museums, and to add a layer of more
generic systems capable of allowing users to search across domain-specific
resources without always needing to gain knowledge of underlying
domain-specific complexities.
Patricia Young recently rejoined the Canadian Heritage Information Network
(CHIN), an agency of the Canadian Federal Government mandated to compile
national inventories of Canadian museum collections and to broker access to
cultural heritage information, as Manager of Professional Programs in
January 1999. Pat is responsible for the on-line professional resources,
including the national inventory of Canadian collections called Artefacts
Canada, bibliographic databases for the Conservation Information Network and
museology, the Heritage Forum, documentation standards, and training. From
1990-1996 Pat held positions as Chief of Business Development and Chief of
Documentation Research with CHIN. From 1996-1998, Pat was Head of the
Vocabulary Program with the Getty Information Institute where she was
responsible for the Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT), the Union List of
Artist Names (ULAN), and the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN; key
resources for accessing cultural heritage information on artistic
personalities, places and concepts. Pat began her museums career in 1975
with Parks Canada, where she held curatorial and management positions. She
is also an active member of the International Committee for Documentation of
ICOM and is the current Chair.
Please note: more speakers to be confirmed
Course co-ordinator
For more information please contact Rachel Feuchtwang at the
Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University; tel +31 20 620 0225 / fax +31 20 624
9368 / email
Name: ____________________________________________Ms/Mr
Date of arrival:__________________Date of departure___________
Number of nights _________________________________________
Smoker/non smoker
A. Very basic student room NLG 75-120 pp/pn
B. Small hotel in centre (breakfast included) NLG 120-150 pp/pn
C. Hotel in centre (breakfast included) NLG 150-185 pp/pn
D. Luxury hotel (breakfast included) NLG 185-220 pp/pn
First choice: A / B / C / D
Second choice: A / B / C / D
(accommodation in the category indicated cannot be guaranteed)
Please send this form together with your application form.
The accommodation fee of NLG ____________ + NLG 15 handling fee
will be remitted to:
The Postbank Netherlands Amsterdam (bank code: INGBNL2A),
account number 6093074 on behalf of AMSU, P.O. Box 53066,
1007 RB AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands
(stating name and course title).
Or charge my accommodation fee to my:
EURO/VISA AMEX card no.________________________________
Expiry date________/___________
Please indicate your billing address
City__________________Post code___________________________
Signature of applicant______________________________________
Mailing list:
This year I will not participate but please keep me informed about future
Name: __________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
I wish to apply for the course: DIGITAL CULTURAL HERITAGE
Personal information (please write clearly using capital letters):
Surname:_____________________________________ Mr/Ms
First name: _______________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________
Nationality:____________________ Date of birth:______________
I declare I will be medically insured during the period I attend The Summer
All participants in the courses are bound by the terms of the Board`s
General Conditions.
Payment: the fee of NLG ____________ will be remitted to: The Postbank
Netherlands Amsterdam (bank code: INGBNL2A) Amsterdam, account number
6093074 on behalf of AMSU, P.O. Box 53066, 1007 RB, Amsterdam, the
Netherlands (stating name and course title).
There is an additional charge of NLG 25 if payment is made by cheque, to
cover the transfer commission charged by the bank, and if payment is made in
two instalments.
Or charge my subscription to my:
EURO/VISA/ AMEX card no._________________________________
Expiry date________/___________
Please indicate your billing address
Date:___________________________ Signature:_________________
Please return to:
Fax: +31.20.6249368/Phone: +31.20.6200225
==========================================tel: +31 (0)20 620 0225
fax: +31 (0)20 624 9368
Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University
PO Box 53066
1007 RB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
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