New e-list on library consortia

Subject: New e-list on library consortia
From: Barbara Schleihagen (
Date: to 27 touko  1999 - 17:32:19 EEST

(posted to arl-ejournal)

Dear List Member,

I would like to invite you to air your views on the subject of Library
Consortia in a new discussion forum, sponsored by the recently launched
Library Consortium Management
( The forum has been set up specifically
for the discussion of issues relating to Library Consortia such as
electronic licensing, negotiation strategies, consortium internal
management and legal and security issues.

The discussion forum is convened by Arnold Hirshon - Editor of Library
Consortium Management and Executive Director of NELINET (New England
Library Network), his introductory posting can be found at the end of
this e-mail.

To join the discussion simply go to
I look forward to reading your postings.


Chris Keenan

Chris Keenan
Executive: Library Link
Library Link

Introductory posting from Arnold Hirshon - Convenor of the Library
Consortia Discussion Forum

"Welcome to the electronic discussion forum of the new Library
Consortium Management: An International Journal. We expect this forum
to be the definitive location worldwide to enable the discussion of
key strategic and tactical management decisions related to consortium
management. About every six weeks we will introduce a new topic to
encourage discussion. This topic is intended to stimulate discussion,
but you need not limit the discussion solely to this topic. You are
encouraged to send your inquiries and comments about any matter that
pertains to consortial management.

The first discussion topic concerns changes in the licensing of
electronic information, and the long-term effect that these changes
will have for consortia in the future. During the past few years,
many consortia internationally grew primarily as "buying clubs" to
purchase electronic information resources at a lower cost. However, is
this model sustainable in the future? Will publishers and distributors
hit a point of no return in terms of discount? If every library is a
of a consortium, will we eventually return to the point from where we
came, with one price for all information? How will the libraries come
to think about their consortia? Many libraries are members of multiple
consortia that often have overlapping memberships; will they eventually
tire of chasing the best deal, and instead invest their energies only in
one or two consortia that meet their most strategic needs? What other
changes in electronic licensing might affect the libraries and their
consortia, and what will be the future role of these newer consortia?
What changes in services, programs, and organizational approach can
they develop today to ensure continued success?"

-- Arnold Hirshon, Editor, Library Consortium Management: An
International Journal

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