Newsletter on Copyright and New Media Law

Subject: Newsletter on Copyright and New Media Law
From: K Nayyer (
Date: ti 27 huhti  1999 - 02:11:59 EEST

**crossposted to several lists; please excuse duplications**

Handshake Productions would like to notify information specialists in the
library, education, archives, and museum sectors about a newsletter on
copyright and digital media issues, specifically geared to our contexts.

The Copyright & New Media Law Newsletter, in its 3rd year of publication,
has contributors from around the world and subscribers from 15 countries.
It is a 16 page print newsletter issued 3 times a year. Subscribers also
receive two free electronic supplements:

- Email Alerts for news, court cases, legislation changes, and forthcoming
- an e-letter, Copyright & New Media Legal News.

The Newsletter addresses issues such as
- web site privacy policies;
- email and Internet Policies;
- digital licensing agreements;
- database protection;
- distance learning and copyright;
- liability for illegal content on the Internet;
- copyright collectives and print and electronic media;
- e-commerce for the library, archives, museum, and educational sectors;
- U.S., Canadian, U.K., European, and Australian copyright developments.

Also included are reviews of print and web resources related to copyright
for libraries, schools, archives, and museums.

Please have a look at the Tables of Contents from previous issues, some
sample full text articles, as well as what subscribers have said by visiting

You may subscribe online or obtain subscription information at
or by sending an email to

Thanks for your time.

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