Subject: RE: can anyone help me with copyright info?
From: Graham Coult (
Date: to 22 huhti 1999 - 14:04:14 EEST
I've made some comments below.
Best wishes,
Graham Coult
Editor, Managing Information
Visiting Lecturer, Information Policy. University of North London.
ASLIB, The Association for Information Management
Staple Hall
Stone House Court
Tel 0171 903 0000 Direct Line 0171 903 0015
Fax 0171 903 0011
>From: Vicky Connolly[SMTP:vickyconnolly1@CompuServe.COM]
>Sent: 22 April 1999 11:13
>To: all
>Subject: can anyone help me with copyright info?
>I am a student at Sheffield Hallam University, studying History of Art,
>Design and Film. I am currently undertaking a dissertation on
>It's actually entitled Copyright in Artistic Works: The problem of new
>I trying to look at the effect of electrocopying and the Internet on
>creators and
>galleries. Whether copyright should be contractually tightened,
>methods should be more incorporated or some other method of protecting
>creators should
>be used.
Have you contacted the Art Libraries Group? The email contact I have is
> I would be grateful if you could give me your views on this
>I also understand after talking to my own university copyright
>officer- Linda Purdy that a European Directive on copyright is being
>considered at the moment. She explained to me that various
>including SCONUL and EBLIDA are worried about this new Directive and
>lobbying it.. It sounded to me like the European Parliament were
>panicking and considering action when they do not fully understand it,
>this true?
>I would be grateful if you could explain to me the effect this
>Directive may have on the artistic works, the creators, galleries and
>visual resource
>libraries. Perhaps more importantly the effect it may have on
>and library users.
>Aswell as the overall effect of this directive and the latest
You could email Barbara Schleihagen, Eblida's Copyright Spokesperson,
and try to get an 'interview'. Her email address is
Also try the Copyright Licensing Agency (
>I would be extremely grateful if you could help me
>Thank You
Be brave and ask some definite questions! There is a danger that if you
ask very open questions, people will think that you want then to do your
work for you (I say that as a lecturer myself). The key skills you learn
on an academic course is the ability to gather information and analyse.
That is what will help you survive in the outside world. Have faith in
yourself, and be adventurous!
Best wishes,
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