Imprimatur Licensing Forum 7-8 June 1999

Subject: Imprimatur Licensing Forum 7-8 June 1999
Date: ma 19 huhti  1999 - 12:25:03 EEST

Second Announcement

Legal Licensing or Contested Copyright :
A way forward for Information Commerce

An International Forum
Licensing Rights for the Internet

Canonbury Academy, London, UK
Monday 7th - Tuesday 8th June 1999

Presented by Imprimatur Services Limited with support from the European
Commission DGXIII

Latest News on Keynote Speaker

David Nimmer, of Irell & Manella LLP, Los Angeles, California, will be
presenting the keynote speech at the Forum and later commenting on the
workshop reports. David Nimmer is well known for his work on Nimmer on
Copyright, the standard reference treatise in the field, routinely cited by
U.S. and foreign courts at all levels in copyright. Apart from his
treatise, Mr. Nimmer authors numerous law review articles on domestic and
international copyright issues.

Mr Nimmer also lectures widely in the copyright arena. He has delivered a
number of lectures concerning multimedia: at MILIA in Cannes, at Digital
World in Los Angeles, and at seminars for the in-house legal staffs of
Turner Broadcasting System in Atlanta and Times in New York and Los Angeles.

In addition to writing and lecturing, Mr. Nimmer represents clients in the
entertainment, publishing, and high technology fields. He gave
Congressional testimony on behalf of the National Association of
Broadcasters in 1992, and Parliamentary testimony on behalf of the Combined
Newspaper and Magazine Copyright Committee of Australia in Sydney in 1993.

This is the first Forum presented by Imprimatur Services Limited, the
successor company to the Esprit Imprimatur Project. The Forum is a direct
descendant of two previous events, covering Internet Business Models and
Contracts. Its objective is to identify those elements required for a
pragmatic and practical licensing regime for digital networks. Organised
with a mixture of plenary and workshop sessions, the Forum will be an
opportunity for old and new players to meet and understand each other's
needs. David Nimmer's keynote speech will set the scene and workshops will
enable the delegates to discuss the issues in a confidential setting.
The outcome of the Forum is expected to provide a basic description of an
online licensing regime applicable to all content types. There will be a
need to discuss both Licence Creation and Licence Management in the context
of uncertain international legislation, at least for the foreseeable
future. While it will not be possible, in the course of a two day Forum, to
describe more than the most basic requirements of such a regime, it is
hoped that the resulting report will advance substantively the argument for
digital licensing on networks.


Monday 7th July 1999
· Introduction
· Keynote Speech
· Working Groups

Following David Nimmer's keynote speech, the delegates will break into
working groups for the rest of the day. The delegates will try to define
how licensing on networks can be operated, guided by a working group
chairman with a distinguished reputation and considerable expertise in the
specific field. A steering committee, drawn from representatives of the
different players in the field of e-commerce in content, has agreed the
following list of topics which will provide a framework for the discussions.

· The identity of likely new actors and services in the value chain
· The cost/benefit analysis of licensing processes adapted to different
situations for the rights holder
· Warranties and Indemnities
· Risk management and IPR
· Cross-border Licensing
· The requirement for conflict-resolution by regulation, self-regulation or
· Licensing for Free and Licensing for Fees - retaining control over
non-remunerated works
· Licensing, Reporting and Consumer protection

Tuesday 8th June 1999
· Reports from Working Groups
· Conference Conclusions


Rights Managers
Information Brokers
Internet Service Providers
Telecommunications Companies
Information Users and Consumers

The Conference is being organised by Imprimatur Services Limited with the
support of the European Commission DGXIII

Shareholders in Imprimatur Services Limited are: ALCS Ltd. Clipet Ltd,
Croft Research and Development Ltd, MCPS/PRS, Telia AB.

Licensing Rights Consensus Forum 7-8 June 99:
Registration form







Fax: _______________________________________________________________

E-Mail: _______________________________________________________________
Special dietary

The cost of attending the Forum is Sterling £275.00 plus VAT per delegate.
Please note that there is a limit of 80 Delegates for the Workshops.
Please return this form by 11 May 1999 to:
Tessa Thier
Licensing Rights for the Internet Forum
Marlborough Court, 14-18 Holborn,
London EC1N 2LE UK
Tel: (44 171) 395 0670 Fax: (44 171) 395 0680

The registration fee includes: documentation (including the Consensus Forum
proceedings), attendance at the Workshops, lunch and refreshments on each
day of the Forum. The price does not include hotel accommodation.

Payment can be made by Sterling Cheque or Draft, made payable to
IMPRIMATUR, by Visa or Mastercard, or by Bank Transfer. Please transfer the
appropriate amount by wire transfer, without charges for the recipient to:
Lloyds Bank, High Holborn Branch, 296 High Holborn, London WC1V 7JH.
Account Name: Imprimatur Services Limited. Account Number: 0062265. Sort
Code: 30 94 25
Reference: Licensing Forum

Cancellations (in writing) will be accepted up to 22 May 1999, subject to
a 10% administration fee. After this time, no refunds will be given.
Substitutions may be made at any time without charge with prior reference
to the Forum organisers.

Visa. Card number:_______________________________________________________
Expiry date:_____________________________
Mastercard. Card number:_________________________________________________
Expiry date:______________________________



Hotel reservations: Special rates have been negotiated at various hotels
near the Canonbury Academy. Full details will be sent after registration.

FURTHER DETAILS will be available in early April 1998 on the IMPRIMATUR Web
Site ( ) and will also be widely circulated by
mail and email.

IMPRIMATUR Services Limited
Marlborough Court
14 -18 Holborn
London EC1N 2LE
tel : +44 171 395 0670
Fax : +44 171 395 0680
Email :

Tessa Thier
Marlborough Court
14 - 18 Holborn
London EC1N 2LE
Tel: 0171 395 0670
Fax: 0171 395 0680

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