IPR-Helpdesk services

Subject: IPR-Helpdesk services
From: Barbara Schleihagen (Eblida@nblc.nl)
Date: ma 12 huhti  1999 - 11:31:10 EEST

Dear list subscriber: For your information.
Barbara Schleihagen


Luxembourg, 24/03/99


I am writing to you, a member of a Commission co-funded RTD project, to
inform you of the services offered by the IPR-Helpdesk. These services are
offered free-of-charge to those involved in the 4th Framework Programme
and those considering participation in the 5th Framework Programme.

Being aware of the various legal problems which arise during the life of
EU-supported RTD projects, and in particular those related to Intellectual
Property Rights (IPR), the European Commission (DGXIII) offers through
this service assistance tailored to the needs of participants such as

A multilingual team of experts works full time answering specific queries
 from RTD participants on issues such as:

* The different contractual problems which occur in RTD projects:
  - Interpretation of EC model contracts
  - Contractual situation between the RTD participants within a project
  - Establishment of consortium agreements
* The different issues concerning the management of IPR assets:
  - Protection of IPR assets
  - IPR issues with regard to the EC contracts such as the different
Access Rights
  - Aspects of patent strategies and international implications
  - Exploitation of IPR assets such as Licensing

If you wish to make use of this one-to-one service, please register the
details of your RTD project on our Website.

In addition, information dealing with many IPR issues is available on our
Website (www.cordis.lu/ipr-helpdesk). We also publish a free monthly IPR
newsletter, 'IP-Wire', via the Website.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

E. Cohausz, Project Manager

P.S. A copy of a leaflet on our service is available in PDF format on our
website: http://www.cordis.lu/ipr-helpdesk/en/i_004_en.htm. If you prefer
to receive it by e-mail, contact us at info@ipr-helpdesk.org.

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