4th European Serials Conference/22nd UKSG Conference

Subject: 4th European Serials Conference/22nd UKSG Conference
From: Jill Tolson (ji88@dial.pipex.com)
Date: ma 22 helmi  1999 - 13:24:18 EET

*Apologies for cross-posting*

4th European Serials Conference/UKSG 22nd Annual Conference/

UMIST, Manchester, UK 12 - 14 April 1999

http://www.uksg.org for further information and online booking

As we all move hesitantly into the uncharted waters of electronic
communication for scholarly and research literature, it becomes
more important than ever that all parties in the chain maintain
contact with each other. This is the only way that we can move
the debate and the practical consequences forward. It is entirely
appropriate therefore that the 22nd UK Serials Group Conference
and Exhibition should be a combined event with the 4th European
Serials Conference, and that over three days all of those attending
will have the opportunity to hear about and discuss initiatives and
developments from across Europe. A carefully thought-out
programme has been put together which addresses the major
issues of the day and offers a wide range of perspectives. There is
plenty of opportunity for discussion by way of the extensive workshop
options, and a major exhibition of the latest products and services
will be open throughout the Conference. The language of the
Conference is English.

Monday 12 April

10.00 Registration and exhibition viewing, Renold Building

10.30 - 10.45 Welcome Richard Hodson, UKSG Chair, Claus Pedersen,
EFSG Chair and Michael Day, University Librarian

Plenary session

10.45 - 11.30
Keynote paper: The changing landscape for the information
Mark Clark, University of Salford

Plenary session 2

11.30 - 12.00
Perspectives on electronic journal delivery: 5 years
back - 5 years forward
John Tagler, Elsevier USA

12.00 - 12.30
The future development of STM serials: a learned society
Glyn Jones, Biochemical Society

12.30 - 13.00
Recent developments on the copyright scene
Charles Oppenheim, Loughborough University

13.00 - 14.00 Lunch and exhibition viewing
14.00 - 15.00 Workshops - see below
15.00 - 15.30 Refreshments and exhibition viewing
15.30 - 16.30 Concurrent sessions 1 and 2 (see below)
16.30 - 17.30 Product reviews
18.15 Reception in the exhibition area
19.15 Dinner, Barnes Wallis Restaurant
20.00 60s disco,

Concurrent session

15.30 - 16.00
E-journals in Germany: efforts, collections and organization
Diann Rusch-Feja, Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development,

16.00 - 16.30
The UK's National Electronic Site Licence Initiative: progress
and futures
Julia Chruszcz, University of Manchester

Concurrent session 2

15.30 - 16.00
Information services at Jones Lang Wootton: a case study
Gillian Westall, Jones Lang Wootton

16.00 - 16.30
Electronic serials in BT: a case study
David Alsmeyer, BT Laboratories

Tuesday 13 April

09.00 - 10.30 Product reviews

10.30 - 11.00 Refreshments and exhibition viewing

Plenary session 3

11.00 - 11.30
The academic, the journal and the Web
Peter Fisher, University
of Leicester

11.30 - 12.00
What do users really, really want?
Alison Scammell, City University

12.00 - 12.30
Developing the European digital library for economics
Thomas Place, Tilburg University

12.30 - 13.45 Lunch and exhibition viewing
13.45 - 14.45 Workshops - see below
14.45 - 15.15 Refreshments and exhibition viewing

15.15 - 16.15 Concurrent sessions 3 and 4 - see below

16.15 - 16.45 UK Serials Group AGM and NASIG greetings

16.45 - 17.45 Informal group meetings and receptions
Exhibition viewing

19.00 Coaches leave for Manchester Town Hall
19.30 Reception in the presence of the Lord Mayor of Manchester
20.00 Conference dinner, Manchester Town Hall
22.30 Disco

Concurrent session 3

15.15 - 15.45
The legal deposit of non-print publications: the 1998 Working
Group on Legal Deposit
Geoff Smith, British Library, Reader Services & Collection Development

15.45 - 16.15
Preservation and long-term access to digital resources in libraries:
the Cedars project
Kelly Russell, Consortium of University Research Libraries (CURL)

Concurrent session 4

15.15 - 15.45
Distinguished by subject? Digital information and the divergence
of research communities
David Pullinger

15.45 - 16.15
Content aggregating, intermediating and beyond
Stephanie Manning, MD Consult, USA

Wednesday 14 April

Plenary session 4

09.00 - 09.30
Bibliographic data, metadata: it’s all the same, isn’t it?
Lorcan Dempsey,UK Office for Library and Information Networking,
University of Bath

09.30 - 10.00
Building an access catalogue
Terry Hanson, University of Portsmouth

10.00 - 10.30 Refreshments and exhibition viewing

10.30 - 11.30 Workshops - see below

Plenary session 5

11.45 - 12.15
Electronic journals pricing - still in the melting pot?
Albert Prior, Swets & Zeitlinger

12.15 - 12.45
A day in the life of ...
Adrian Figgess, Granada Media

12.45 - 12.50 Close of conference
12.50 Lunch


It will greatly benefit all workshop participants if they can undertake
some advance preparation in their chosen subjeccts, and bring with
them to the sessions any documentation from their own organisations
likely to be of general interest.

1. User surveys
Galen Ives, Priority Search Ltd

Consulting users is easy to do badly! Consultation is basically an
exercise in social research, and the same rules apply as in any such
research. Important considerations include methodology (qualitative
or quantitative?), population (sampled and if so, how?) and the
purpose of the research (e.g. to improve services or establish performance

2. Re-engineering library services: human resource management
Lars Bjornshauge, Technical Knowledge Center of Denmark

The most important precondition and largely neglected issue in transforming
library services is the human resource side. Taking lessons learned form the
JULIA project at the Technical Knowledge Center of Denmark as a point
of departure, this workshop will outline and discuss key aspects of human
resource management in the transition towards the electronic library. Key
aspects include: taking advantage of IT in job design; continuous on the
job training; domestic PCs as a tool for development of staff competence.

3. Effectiveness of publishers' Websites
Tony Kidd, University of Glasgow

The varied strategies that publishers have employed to give themselves
a presence on the World Wide Web will be investigated. Concentrating
on journal publishers, we shall consider issues of clarity,
(including links beyond an individual publisher’s offerings), and utility,
look for examples of innovation and imaginative use of Web facilities.

4. Internet search engines
Sue Welsh, Croydon Online

Altavista, Excite, HotBot and Infoseek are familiar names to the
Internet savvy, but do we always use them effectively? This workshop
will look at the major search engines and their exploitation, including
how to get better results when searching for information and their role
in promotion of web sites.

5. Developments in service delivery
Judith Palmer, John Radcliffe Hospital

Evidence-based health care has provided the stimulus for health librarians
to become more closely involved in supporting the needs of their user
population in ways that were not obvious ten or even five years ago.
The impact of EBHC together with the explosion of services on the Internet
has meant that we now have to look at radically new ways to deliver
information and library services and increase our role as educators and
quality filters. Are libraries with walls still necessary or is the only
and essential requirement one for information professionals who have the
vision and energy to work in ways that we might not have dreamed of?

6. Back issues: management, purchasing, developments
Don Jaeger, Alfred Jaeger Inc

This workshop will focus on the transition of back volume vendors from
Antiquarians to Collection Development Specialists. It will also touch upon
current trends such as document delivery, electronic journals, access
versus ownership and archiving issues which should spark some interesting
conversation from the publishers, librarians and vendors in attendance.
Full participation will be expected.

7. Cataloguing e-journals/Web OPAC
Frances Boyle, University of Liverpool

E-journals, in all their guises, are here to stay and as such they become
another resource that requires management, maintenance and resourcing.
Integrating this new resource into an existing library catalogue presents
own range of problems, some of which will be explored in the workshop.

8. Performance measures for the electronic library
John Crawford, Glasgow Caledonian University

This workshop will look at the possibility of developing simple performance
measures for the electronic library. Research in the area will be briefly
reviewed, the practical problems will be discussed, and the workshop
will then look at possible ways forward.

9. Official publications
Frances Shipsey, British Library of Political and Economic Science

The workshop will look at a range of issues relating to official serial
publications, including: post-privatisation questions (Stationery Office
and non-Stationery Office publications, experience from other governments
and inter-governmental organisations); electronic developments
(CD-ROMs, Internet publication); acquisition (use of subscription agents
versus ordering direct from government organisations). There will be
opportunities to share experience, and discuss problems encountered
with government organisations and IGOs, e.g. bibliographic control,
supply, invoicing.

10. Athens - Access Management service delivery on a national scale
Edward Zedlewski, NISS

This workshop will present the experience gained in delivering a national
Access Management service and seek to explore the future needs
of the stakeholders. Authentication, authorisation and user administration
are amongst the issues affecting subscribers and service providers.
How are these requirements delivered? What does the future hold
technologically and what do stakeholders need? This is your opportunity
to gain an understanding of the key issues and influence the future
development of Athens.

11. Promotion and training for e-journals
Heather Dawson and Nerys Webster, British Library of Political and
Economic Science

One of the main challenges of library management of electronic
journals is how, having gained access to the titles, we promote
and encourage use of them amongst readers with varying degrees
of enthusiasm and IT ability. This workshop will address different
methods of advertising electronic journals and the type of support
which the institution can provide to users to promote repeat use.
Examples will be drawn from current practice at BLPES, which is
involved in a number of electronic journal projects, and comparisons
made with experiences at other libraries in both the commercial and
academic sectors.

12. Effective use of electronic information: the student and the tutor
Graham Walton & Catherine Edwards, University of Northumbria
at Newcastle

A brief introduction to eLib’s IMPEL2 (Monitoring Organisational and
Cultural Change) and HyLiFe (Hybrid Library of the Future) Projects
will lead into an interactive workshop where participants will
investigate the use of electronic information in Higher Education.
The session will involve the identification of problems and solutions
which can then be compared with findings of the IMPEL2 Project.

13. Licensing issues (i)
Rollo Turner, Association of Subscription Agents

The workshop will focus on how to achieve acceptable licences
in practice and the desirable features in such licences, such as
the use of common clauses and features where practicable,
especially covering site definition, permitted use and users, and
perpetual access after termination including archiving issues.
Other topics for discussion will include ‘fair dealing’ and acceptable
restrictions on use; clauses requiring libraries to use best endeavours
in the policing of licences; and the role of intermediaries in negotiating
and explaining licences and in providing systems which manage
the access to a variety of resources with different terms and conditions.

14. Licensing issues (ii)
Sally Morris, Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers

Electronic products, increasingly, are licensed rather than bought
outright. Every supplier seems to have a different licence, and some
of the terms and conditions can be problematic for libraries e.g.
definitions of ‘site’ and of ‘authorised user’; interpretation of ‘fair
when it relates to redistribution of electronic material; the retention
of files (or access rights) after termination of the licence. The workshop
will look at the possibilities of convergence of terms and conditions,
and at the important role of intermediaries in negotiating and
explaining licences and in managing access to and use of a variety
of resources.

15. Serials management software
Johan van Halm, Johan van Halm Information Consultancy

This workshop will explore the operational requirements of serials
librarians regarding the various software packages available in
the market place. We shall distinguish between modules for serials
management included with integrated systems, and stand-alone
packages sold by specialist vendors, examining the advantages
and disadvantages of each. A compilation of features included
by vendors will be provided, and omissions noted. The workshop
will try to formulate minimum requirements, to be passed over in
due course to vendors.

ONLINE BOOKING AT: http://www.uksg.org

Jill Tolson
UK Serials Group Business Manager
114 Woodstock Road
Witney OX8 6DY UK
Tel: 01993 703466
Fax: 01993 778879
E-mail: uksg@dial.pipex.com

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