Subject: Licensing Digital Resources Brochure
From: Barbara Schleihagen (
Date: pe 29 tammi 1999 - 12:28:31 EET
Dear list subscribers,
I am pleased to announce that the ECUP+ brochure "Licensing Digital
Resources: How to avoid the legal pitfalls?" by Emanuella Giavarra is now
also available in printed A5 format. Individuals copies can be ordered free
of charge at the EBLIDA secretariat at the address given below. EBLIDA
members will automatically receive a free copy together with the monthly
"Hot News" mailing.
In addition I would like to kindly remind you that this brochure is also
available in English, French and very soon in German for downloading from
the ECUP website at:
This licensing warning brochure has been compiled in order to help the
reader to understand the legal consequences of certain clauses in a licence.
The publication takes you clause by clause through a standard licence and
explains the impact of each of them. It also provides a list of clauses to
avoid and a licensing check-list. We hope that you will find this
publication useful whilst negotiating licences for electronic resources.
Best wishes,
Barbara Schleihagen
Barbara Schleihagen, Director
Heidi Hogan, EU Policy Officer
P.O. Box 43300
NL-2504 AH The Hague
Tel: +31-70-309 06 08
Fax: +31-70-309 07 08
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