ARL/SLA Licensing Videoconference

Subject: ARL/SLA Licensing Videoconference
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ti 12 tammi  1999 - 12:23:38 EET

(From lib-license list by Mary Case)

This announcement is being posted to several lists. Please excuse
the duplication.


ARL/SLA Licensing Videoconference


        March 4, 1999
        1:00-4:00 p.m. EST

Offered by:
        Association of Research Libraries
        Special Libraries Association

With sponsorship by LEXIS-NEXIS

The videoconference will cover the basic elements of a license
the legal foundations of a license, including copyright and other
relevant areas of the law, and user, access, and legal terms. The
videoconference will include a live satellite broadcast, pre- and
post-broadcast workshops, informative group discussion, and
supplementary materials before and after the program. Participants will
have the opportunity to review a mock license.

Panelists for the videoconference are:
        Molly H. Sherden, partner, Peabody & Arnold, Boston
        Pamela Clark, vice president, American International Group
        Trisha Davis, Head, Serials and Electronic Resources Department,
        Ohio State University Libraries

Site licenses for the live satellite broadcast are available.

ARL member libraries
        $350 (before Feb. 9)
        $400 (after Feb. 9)

Nonmember libraries
        $400 (before Feb. 9)
        $450 (after Feb. 9)

There is no limit to the number of participants at a site. This is an
excellent opportunity to provide the basics of licensing for those
library staff and university or institutional personnel who may not need
or have the time for the full two-day workshop.

Details and a registration form are available on the ARL website

SLA Chapters: Information can be found at

   Mary Case, Director
   Office of Scholarly Communication
   Association of Research Libraries
   21 Dupont Circle, N.W., Suite 800
   Washington, D.C. 20036
     (202) 296-2296 X112
     Fax: (202) 872-0884

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