Subject: Future of the Information Society
From: Judy Watkins ( )
Date: pe 18 joulu 1998 - 13:36:07 EET
Apologies for cross posting:
Equipe/EUROMAP is the UK focal point for EU-funded R&D in the area of
Human Language Technologies (HLT). We would like to invite you to join
us at a seminar which will highlight opportunities for UK
organisations in this important new field of technological
The event: Future of the Information Society: Human Language
The date: 19 January 1999
The place: The Howard Building, Downing College, Cambridge
The seminar will enable UK researchers in the HLT area to make contact
with developers and users interested in taking advantage of new
technologies for speech and language. Some of the leading researchers
in the UK will be present at the event, and a senior official from the
EU will be on hand to describe the new Fifth Framework research
programme - Information Society Technologies. There will also be an
exhibition and demonstration of new language technology tools.
A copy of the draft programme is attached below. In addition, you may
check the HLT Central web site ( for background
information on technology and markets in this area.
The event is subsidised by the European Commission; the only cost to
delegates is an administrative fee of £50 (plus VAT), to cover the
cost of seminar documentation and lunch.
If you would like to join us at this event, you may register by,
filling in the information requested below and returning to Alternatively you may
print a registration form attached and return it to us by post.
We look forward to seeing you in Cambridge.
Best regards,
Sharon Denness
Eaton House, Wigmore Place
Luton, Bedfordshire LU2 9EZ
tel 01582-706-240
direct 01582-706-234
fax 01582-702-222
Registration: Future of the Information Society: Human Language
The Howard Building, Downing College, Cambridge, 19 January 1999
ATTENDANCE: (delete one of the following)
*Yes, I would like to attend the UK seminar on HLT (cost £58.50
including VAT)
*No, I am unable to attend the UK seminar on HLT, but would like to
receive a delegate pack - containing extensive background information
on language technologies, a multimedia CD-ROM, and full conference
materials (cost £20 including VAT)
Cheques made payable to Equipe Consortium Ltd (send to the above
Bank transfer to NatWest Bank Plc, 10 St Peter's Street, St Albans,
Account name Equipe Consortium Ltd
Sort code 60-18-11
Account number 4529-8505
(delete one of the following)
*I will forward a cheque to Equipe/EUROMAP - AMOUNT:
*I will transfer funds directly - AMOUNT:
Equipe Consortium Ltd VAT Number 665928388
Please indicate here whether you have specific projects in mind, for
you would like to find partners
Draft Programme:
9.00 Registration and Welcome
10.00- Focus-The business of language
(Speakers: Stephen Hagen, Special Adviser to DTI; Rose Lockwood,
Equipe Consortium, Channel Dynamics)
1200 - Focus-Assistive Technologies
(Speakers: Diane Whitehouse, European Commission; Judy Thomas and Emma
Elliott, The Arts Dyslexia Trust)
12.40 Lunch and Exhibition
2.00- Focus HLT R&D
(Speakers: Yorick Wilks, University of Sheffield; Marc Moens,
University of Edinburgh; Jeremy Peckham, Strategies Consulting;
Roberto Cencioni, European Commission)
3.45 Roundtable-The Way Forward
(Roberto Cencioni)
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