digitisation of library materials

Subject: digitisation of library materials
From: Barbara Schleihagen (Eblida@nblc.nl)
Date: ti 17 marras 1998 - 09:19:07 EET

The message below was received from Concha Fernandez de la Puente,
European Commission for distribution.


A concertation meeting on digitisation of library materials will be held on
14 December 1998, in the Euroforum Building Luxembourg.

Digitisation of materials (text and images) held in libraries has been an
important research topic for libraries programmes under both FP3 and FP4. An
early study, published in 1992 (Optical discs and European libraries: a
study of user and technical requirements, by M. Fresko and L. Brindley.
Bowker Saur, 1992. ISBN. 1 85739 002 4), set the background for storage
technologies, for associated technical standards, and identified some of
the key issues surrounding retrieval and access. These issues were followed
up in a concertation workshop held in Luxembourg in November 1994 which
brought together 12 projects from EU and national programmes to discuss
early experiences in document imaging and delivery. Since then, the growth
of the Internet and the predominance of Web technologies have dramatically
changed the technical context for services.

More recently, the importance of digital content, including that held in
libraries, museums and archives, is recognised in the development of Key
Action 3: multimedia content and tools of the Information Society
Technologies Programme, under FP5.

This is, therefore, an important and timely topic both for current projects
and for future activities. The workshop aims to establish the technical
baseline for current digitisation activities, whether targeted at
high-volume conversions or at digitising rare materials, and to create a
platform for an exchange of experience between those currently involved in
the field.

The specific objectives of the workshop are:
· to review and update the state of the art in the technologies of imaging
and of related standards;
· to consolidate experiences to date, from national, EU and other projects;
· to provide a platform for the exchange of experience between those
currently involved in technical and service issues relating to digitisation
of library materials;
· to present the results of a recent comparative analysis of guidelines for
digital preservation;
· to identify outstanding and new problems that might affect future work in
the area.

Participation in the workshop is free of charge but the number of available
places is limited. If you wish to attend, please complete the registration
request form below and return it by e-mail or fax to the addresses.

Confirmation of your registration will be sent at the beginning of December.

You can distribute this announcement widely.

Concha Fernandez de la Puente
European Commission




9:30-9.45 Welcome

9.45 10.40 SESSION 1
Current technologies and standards: state of the art review.

10.40 - 11.00 Coffee

11.00 - 13.00 SESSION 2
Digitising content: scanning and storage covering high-volume digitisation;
technologies for digitising rare materials; practical experiences of both

13:00-14:00 LUNCH

14.00 - 15.15 SESSION 3
Access and delivery covering networked delivery of images, metadata,
indexing and retrieval; service models.

15.15 - 15.45 SESSION 4
Preservation covering presentation of the results of the comparative study
of Digital preservation guidelines

15. 45 - 16.00 Coffee

16:00-16:30 Conclusions


I would like to register in the workshop:



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Date: Signature:

Return this form by fax or e-mail to:
Catherine Maitreheu
European Commission, DGXIII/E-4
Fax: +352-4301.33530
E-mail: c.maitreheu@lux.dg13.cec.be

Barbara Schleihagen, Director
Heidi Hogan, EU Policy Officer
P.O. Box 43300
NL-2504 AH The Hague
Tel: +31-70-309 06 08
Fax: +31-70-309 07 08
email: eblida@nblc.nl

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