Legal issues involved in Online translation on the web page

Subject: Legal issues involved in Online translation on the web page
From: cyberspace law (
Date: to 15 loka   1998 - 04:00:58 EEST

Dear list members,

I'm preparing to write a thesis in FPLC in Concord, NH.

The topic is

"Legal issues involved in Online translation on the web page"
Focusing to copyright law

Online translation on the web page means if you want to translate web
page to another language, just you buy online translation software and
enter domain name or go to online translation web site and then just put
the site name, and then you can translate web page immediately without
permission of original author. So many legal issues com out from this

First, if translated webpage is derivative work, who is author of
derivative work? Programmer of translated software or user of it?
Second, if translated webpage is derivative work, probably author of
derivative work have to get a permission from original author. In
which situation it can be allowed without permission? Third, if
translated contents is public domain, which law is applicable?
Fourth, in this case computer-generated work is very different from
wordprocessor case. How can I narrow to my topic?

Please give any information to me.
I need to cases and other legal materials
I need to outside mentor and referee.
Could you give some idea?

Kiseok Oh

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