Subject: SEDODEL Special Interest Group
From: Judy Watkins ( )
Date: ma 03 elo 1998 - 17:12:53 EEST,,,,
Sender: owner-ecup-list
Precedence: bulk
Apologies for cross posting:
Special Interest Group Meeting Announcement
UAP Core Programme Workshop:
Secure Document Delivery for Blind and Partially Sighted People
IFLA 98, Amsterdam RAI. Sunday 16 August 8.30-12.00
The objective of the IFLA Core Programme for Universal Availability of
Publications (UAP) is to provide as much information as possible to as
many people as possible wherever and whenever they need it and in the
format required. In today's world great emphasis is placed on
information, but some groups have considerably lees access than
others. Among these are blind and partially sighted people. The UAP
Core Programme and the SEDODEL Project have joined together to run a
half day workshop.
The majority of the population take the convenience of public
libraries for granted. Shelves and catalogues can be easily browsed,
articles and books quickly scanned for items of interest, and if the
material required is not available it can be ordered. This has not
been the case for blind and partially sighted people who often have to
rely on a limited range of material from specialist libraries.
New technology suggests that this situation could change. Electronic
documents can be easily transformed into accessible forms of
information such as Braille or synthetic speech. However, new
technology invariably means new problems.
The SEDODEL workshop will explore the problems such as copyright and
inaccessibility of sophisticated web sites. The work of the SEDODEL
Project will of course be mentioned and it is hoped that other
projects, libraries, and users will be willing to share their
experiences, successes and frustrations. The aim of the workshop is to
identify the main problems, some of the solutions and most of all to
find out what needs to be done to ensure that blind and partially
sighted people are fully integrated into the information society and
that libraries can offer the best service available to these groups of
The SEDODEL (Secure Document Delivery for Blind and Partially Sighted
People) Project is sponsored by the European Commission. Further
To register in advance for the SEDODEL workshop please complete the
registration form below, and return to Pauline Connolly, email or fax +44 1937546478.
Details of involvement in any relevant projects:
Email address:
Fax number:
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