Copyright news

Subject: Copyright news
Date: ma 20 heinä  1998 - 17:17:25 EEST

Please excuse any cross-posting of this message.

Copyright news for libraries, museums and archives -

The Copyright & New Media Law Newsletter:
For Librarians & Information Specialists

is now in its 2nd year of publication, with contributors
from around the world -- and subscribers from 12
countries -- this is the newsletter to help
you keep abreast of important copyright issues, news,
and practical solutions to your everyday activities.

Issue 1, Volume 2 (1998), deals with privacy policies for
your Web site; copyright collectives and print and electronic
copying; what's happening in the European copyright scene;
reviews of print materials and Web sites on copyright for libraries,
museums and achives.

This is a print newsletter, with email alerts between issues
of the print versions. Subscribers are also entitled to a free
subscription to the electronic newsletter: Copyright &
New Media Legal News.

For information on this unique, international newsletter,
visit or email

What do our subscribers say:

"Since so much information is disseminated on the
Internet and by other electronic means, it is
invigorating to know that someone is so clairvoyant
as to issue a journal directed at answering the myriad
of questions librarians and information specialists
have regarding copyright and other legal issues. We
welcome the addition of THE COPYRIGHT & NEW
INFORMATION SPECIALISTS to our collection because
it deals directly with these questions and provides timely
answers to us in the information field."

Alpha G. Rose, Serials Librarian
Ralph J. Bunche Library, U.S. Department of State

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