Subject: CECUP: C&EE Copyright User Platform launched
From: Barbara Schleihagen (
Date: ti 07 heinä 1998 - 14:59:53 EEST
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CECUP: European Copyright User Platform extended to Eastern and Central Europe
Recently the European Commission granted EBLIDA funding under the
Telematics for Libraries Programme for the extension of the European
Copyright User Platform (ECUP+) to all Eastern and Central European
countries that have signed agreements with the European Union (Bulgaria,
Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania,
Slovakia, Slovenia). The contract for CECUP was signed on 25 June 1998 and
the initiative will have a duration of 18 months. CECUP has the following
1. To make librarians in the accession countries aware of the implications
of copyright in electronic services building upon the results achieved
under ECUP and ECUP+. Workshops will be organised in each of the ten
countries to interrelate awareness raising, identification of specific
copyright problems and finding solutions in an effective way.
2. To discuss user rights in electronic services and licensing principles
for the use of electronic information with rightholders.
3. To raise awareness in Central and Eastern European countries about the
established European Focal Point for copyright questions and information on
EU legislative developments in this area.
4. To reinforce the position of libraries in discussions about copyright
with the appropriate bodies.
A Central and Eastern European Copyright User Platform will be set up,
consisting of the library associations of the ten association countries.
Their role will be to organise a workshop in each of the countries, to
nominate each a representative to a Steering Group, and to give input and
feedback to this Steering Group. The Steering Group will assist in
identifying special copyright problems for libraries in Central and Eastern
European countries. It will also function as the intermediary in first
discussions with rightholders on user rights in electronic publications and
results of the workshops.
Tuula Haavisto, CECUP project manager says: “In the digital age
pan-European harmonisation of intellectual property laws is essential.
Awareness about electronic copyright helps to fight piracy, which is still
widespread in some Central and Eastern European countries.”
“Awareness among librarians will support them in fulfilling their role as
gateways to the global information society for citizens and specialists,
which is an urgent need in the process of catching up with progress in EU
Notes for Editors:
The European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations
represents 95.000 libraries throughout Europe. It was founded in 1992 to
lobby for the interests of information professionals at European level.
2. ECUP:
In October 1994, EBLIDA was granted funding by the European Commission to
set up a European Copyright User Platform under the Telematics for
Libraries Programme. As a first stage, copyright awareness workshops were
conducted in 14 Member States, a Steering Group was set up and a position
paper on user rights in electronic publications was drafted and discussed
with representatives of rightholders.
3. ECUP+
In January 1996, EBLIDA was granted further funding for a follow-up project
with a duration of three years. A second series of workshops were
conducted, further discussions were held with rightholders representatives,
a copyright focal point was set up and legislative recommendations were
The ECUP website is at:
4. For more information, please contact:
Ms Tuula Haavisto, CECUP Project Manager, tel: +358-9-753 7661
or mobile: +358 - 40 - 568 9396, or
Ms Barbara Schleihagen, EBLIDA Director, tel: +31-70-309 06 08,
Barbara Schleihagen, Director
Heidi Grootscholten, EU Policy Officer
P.O. Box 43300
NL-2504 AH The Hague
Tel: +31-70-309 06 08
Fax: +31-70-309 07 08
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