Subject: List of IMPRIMATUR legal documents
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ma 06 heinä 1998 - 15:33:06 EEST
Dear list members,
Last week the 4th IMPRIMATUR Consensus Forum on Contracts and Copyright:
The Legal Framework for Future Electronic Copyright Management took
place in London. During the workshops three themes were discussed:
* Liability of On-line Intermediaries
* Privacy, Data Protection and Copyright: Their Interaction in the
Context of ECMS
* Contracts and Copyright Exemption
The IMPRIMATUR legal documents written by the Institute for Information
Law (IIL) of the University of Amsterdam formed the basis for the
A report on this Consensus Forum will be published shortly. The legal
documents written by the IIL can be downloaded from the IMPRIMATUR
Web-site at
List of IIL documents:
* Contracts and Copyright Exceptions
* Liability for On-line Intermediaries
* The Law and Practice of Digital Encryption
* Formation and Validity of On-Line Contracts
* Privacy, Data Protection and Copyright: Their Interaction in the
Context of ECMS
Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra
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