Subject: New publication: Resource sharing possibilities and ...
From: Judy Watkins ( )
Date: pe 26 kesä 1998 - 15:19:31 EEST
Apologies for cross posting:
Resource Sharing Possibilities and Barriers. Proceedings of the Fifth
Interlending and Document Supply International Conference.
Held in Aarhus, Denmark, 24-28 August 1997.
Three days of presented papers considered the theme of the conference,
"Resource-sharing: possibilities and barriers", from all angles. The
relevance of resource-sharing in the world of networked digital
information was questioned, suggesting that traditional
resource-sharing networks would be replaced by licensing and
consortium agreements. On the other hand digitisation could improve
resource-sharing of audiovisual documents. The publisher's view of
today's challenge to make material available in a variety of formats
and to address the complex payment models of subscription,
pay-per-view, or site licences was also presented.
Delegates heard about new resource-sharing challenges and developments
in a number of countries, including Australia, South Africa and
Romania, and some of IFLA's own projects and initiatives, such as the
IFLA Voucher Scheme and the Document Delivery in Africa project, were
also presented.
There were many more papers considering all aspects of
resource-sharing and the complete proceedings of the Conference are
now available.
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