Elsevier's EJournal ILL Policy Changes

Subject: Elsevier's EJournal ILL Policy Changes
From: Emanuella Giavarra (ecup.secr@dial.pipex.com)
Date: to 18 kesä   1998 - 14:47:56 EEST

(posted to liblicense-l)

Date: June 17, 1998

Contact: Karen Hunter
Senior Vice President
Tel: 212 633-3787
Fax: 212 633-3764
E-mail: k.hunter@elsevier.com



Elsevier Science has announced a more flexible interlibrary loan (ILL)
policy, allowing articles from licensed electronic holdings to be
and the print copy delivered via mail or fax to fulfill ILL requests.
This is a significant departure from the current policy followed by most
publishers, which permits copies to be made only from the print version
of a publication. Electronic transmission of files from the electronic
original is not included in the new policy.

The change responds to librarians' requests for a user-friendly policy,
as research libraries are in transition from print to electronic

This new arrangement will allow speedier and more dependable access
(i.e., retrieving and printing articles directly from electronic files
rather than obtaining print issues from library stacks and
photocopying). It also provides a means for fulfilling ILL requests for
titles that are not held in print format.

Libraries licensing Elsevier Science journals through its two electronic
subscription services -- Elsevier Electronic Subscriptions and
ScienceDirect -- will be allowed under this new policy to use these
electronic files as a source for ILL. The license terms provide certain
limits regarding ILL transactions and provide for the collection of
sufficient data for all parties to evaluate the process. Copies must be
requested by and sent to an academic or other non-commercial research
library; orders received from a for-profit company or directly from an
individual cannot be filled. Also, the request must come from the same
country as the library delivering the copy, and no copies can be
without a special agreement on fees. Elsevier Science will watch with
interest whether usage levels and borrowing practices are consistent
what is anticipated in light of recent discussions with the library

Karen Hunter, Senior Vice President, Elsevier Science, indicates, "A
paradigm shift is underway in how libraries collect and distribute
scientific research information. We have had very productive
negotiations with librarians in the past three years as a rapidly
growing number of research libraries has subscribed to our electronic
services. Our new ILL policy is in response to the needs expressed by
librarians during discussions on electronic licenses. We feel it
provides for greater convenience and flexibility, and preserves the
greatly-valued tenet of interlibrary loan."

Elsevier Electronic Subscriptions, launched in 1995, offers a local
storage option for libraries, with complete electronic editions of up to
1,100 Elsevier Science journals delivered to the subscribing institution
and mounted, stored and delivered over the local network. ScienceDirect
was launched in 1997 and provides libraries with Internet access to
remotely-stored journal full-text files for a broad spectrum of
scientific, technical and medical disciplines. Both services offer
electronic subscriptions in addition to or in lieu of traditional print

Elsevier Science is the world's leading publisher of scientific,
technical and medical publications and has offices in Amsterdam,
Lausanne, London, New York, Oxford, Rio de Janeiro, Shannon, Singapore
and Tokyo.


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