Re: Libraries and Sales or Value added Taxes in Europe

Subject: Re: Libraries and Sales or Value added Taxes in Europe
From: Anders Lonn (
Date: ma 15 kesä   1998 - 14:23:28 EEST

At 16:31 1998-06-11 +0000, Fred Friend wrote:
>Forgive me for using the ecup list on a matter that is not specifically
>copyright but I cannot think of a more appropriate list to try.
>The question is whether there are countries in Europe where university
>libraries are able to reclaim sales or value added taxes paid on purchases
>of either paper or electronic publications.

All Swedish government bodies reclaim VAT of any kind, and have done
so for a number of years. (Sweden does levy VAT on books and other > cultural materials.)

Anders L.

Statens musikbibliotek Phone: +46 8 5195 54 11
-The Music Library of Sweden- Fax: +46 8 5195 54 45
Box 16 326
SE-103 26 Stockholm

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