EU draft Directive on electronic signatures now available on-line

Subject: EU draft Directive on electronic signatures now available on-line
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ke 10 kesä   1998 - 16:03:26 EEST

Dear list members,

The European Commisson (DGXV) adopted on 13 May 1998 a proposal for a
Directive on the use of electronic signatures. This document is now
available on-line and in several languages.

This proposal for a Directive follows the Communication of November 1996
on ensuring security and trust in electronic services, and was foreseen
under the Action Plan for the Single Market endorsed by the Amsterdam
European Council (June 1997).

The main elements of the proposed Directive includes:

* Essential requirements for electronic signature certificates and
certification services;

* The establishment of minimum liability rules for service providers;

* Legal recognition for electronic signatures in the same manner as
handwritten signatures;

The document and a press release can be found at:

Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra

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