Subject: EP calls for a balance in electronic copyright
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: pe 29 touko 1998 - 01:20:28 EEST
Dear list members,
In the EBLIDA Hot News of May 1998 the following announcement was made:
On 14 May 1998 the plenary session of the European Parliament adopted
the report by MEP Erika Mann on the European Commission’s communication
on a European Initiative in the area of Electronic Commerce
In this report the European Parliament calls on the European Commission
to present proposals to create a single market for electronic commerce
and to ensure freedom for European companies to provide services
throughout the European Union. According to the Parliament, the
following questions should be settled by a European regulatory
framework: consumer protection, liability, definitions of the concepts
‘place of establishment of the service provider’ and ‘place of
transaction’, and intellectual property rights questions.
With regard to the proposal for a new Directive on copyright, the
Parliament recognises ‘the complexity of dealing with intellectual
property rights in an electronic medium’ and demands ‘that any rules to
protect intellectual property rights should balance the interests of
right holders and users, and believes that defining exceptions for fair
use is essential for electronic commerce’. The full text of the report
(nr. A4-0173/98) is available at:
Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra
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