NESLI (UK) email list

Subject: NESLI (UK) email list
From: Sean Dunne (
Date: ke 27 touko  1998 - 16:02:06 EEST

NESLI Mailbase email list

An email list, lis-nesli, has been set up at Mailbase for
dissemination of information about the UK National Electronic Site
Licence Initiative (NESLI), and for discussion about the purpose,
progress and implementation of NESLI. It is open to anyone, in
particular: publishers of electronic journals, librarians at UK Higher
Education Institutions, and anyone else interested in the development
of NESLI. The Managing Agent hopes that this list will be an useful
way of finding out what publishers, readers and librarians think about
NESLI, how they would like it to develop, as well as a means for us
to spread information about NESLI as widely as possible.

Initial information about NESLI can be found on the JISC web pages at The NESLI web site will
be set up during June 1998.

To join the lis-nesli email list, send the following command
(remembering to substitute your personal names) to

join lis-nesli firstname lastname


Sean Dunne
for the NESLI Managing Agent

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