Search feature added to the ECUP website and list

Subject: Search feature added to the ECUP website and list
From: Mikael Book (
Date: ti 19 touko  1998 - 18:41:13 EEST

Dear ecup-list subscriber,

You may want to make use of the new search feature of the ECUP website in
order to find more rapidly what you are looking for on its ca 750 pages.
Notably, the search also includes the archive of the ecup-list.

The link to the search page is easily found on the frontpage:

Comments and proposals on the search are welcome.

- Mika

Mikael Book * Katto-Meny * Tallbergink 1/39 * FIN-00180 Helsinki * Phone +358-9-6947730 * Fax +358-9-27090369
gsm 040 5511 324

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