Subject: Net Music "Fair Use Issue"
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ke 29 huhti 1998 - 18:39:06 EEST
(posted to cni copyright-list)
The On-Line Guitar Archive <> is a loosely organized
group of guitar enthusiasts who are brought together by their common
interest in sharing knowledge of guitar music. Our Archive is made up
of several thousand songs, written in "tab" format ("tablature" or
guitar notation). Our "tabs" are created by people on the internet who
post their tabs to USENET groups. We not currently organized but we aim
to apply for nonprofit status. We have gotten into squabbles in the
past with EMI Publishing USA, and more recently with the National Music
Publishers' Association (NMPA). Recently, many of our mirror sites have
been taken off-line due to contact from the Harry Fox Agency, which is
associated with NMPA. On April 3, 1998, the mirror at Harvey Mudd
College was taken off-line as a result of HFA contact. More recently,
our Carnegie-Mellon mirror was also taken down.
As a result of this threat, I have organized the OLGA Legal Advisory
Committee (OLGA-LAC). The primary reasons for doing so are (1) to
organize opposition to the Harry Fox Agency, or any other organization
who would attempt to shut down OLGA; (2) to write up an official
statement concerning the legality of OLGA, citing relevant copyright
statute and case law; (3) to incorporate OLGA as a nonprofit
organization; (4) to handle other legal affairs as they may arise.
OLGA Legal Advisory Committee really needs all the help we can get, so
if anyone would like to volunteer some time or expertise, it would be
most appreciated. Basically what I'm looking for is some people like
yourself who can participate in an intellectual property-related policy
discussion, and maybe help out with nonprofit incorporation at some
point. This is a cutting edge cyber-law issue! If you have any
experience in this area, we need your help!
Thank you,
-- Chris Synan On-Line Guitar Archive - Legal Advisory Committee (OLGA-LAC)
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