Copyright "Town Meeting" papers available (fwd)

Subject: Copyright "Town Meeting" papers available (fwd)
From: Barbara Schleihagen (
Date: ma 23 maalis 1998 - 14:30:40 EET

Please find enclosed message for information.

-----Original Message-----
From: Judie Mulholland []
Sent: 21 March 1998 06:42
To: e-carm
Subject:[E-CARM] Copyright "Town Meeting" papers available (fwd)

Dear Readers:

All three papers delivered at Session One of the College Art Association's
recent "Town Meeting" on Copyright and Fair Use have now been posted to the
Town Meeting website:

Peter Walsh. "The Coy Copy: Technology, Copyright, and the Mystique of
Images." <>

Gary Schwartz. "No fair: long-term prospects for regaining unencumbered
use." <>

David Green. "Your Copyright Future is Being Determined Now, or: Public
Interest? What Public Interest?"

Peter Walsh discusses how the US copyright statute misunderstands and
misrepresents the process of copying images. Gary Schwartz suggests various
long-term strategies scholars can use to regain their rights to publish
images without having to submit to steep reproduction fees. David Green
discusses the copyright legislation before congress and the efforts of the
library and scholarly communities to obtain favorable treatment.

In addition, Leila Kinney's introduction to Session II, a debate between
Maxwell Anderson (Director of the Art Gallery of Ontario) and Howard Besser
(University of California, Berkeley), on issues relating to site-licensing
of images and the AMICO project (Art Museum Image Consortium) has been
posted. <>

The general address for the Town Meeting site follows:
CAA/Toronto Town Meeting on Copyright: 2/26/98
Robert A. Baron, chair
Committee on Intellectual Property of the
College Art Association

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Barbara Schleihagen, Director
Heidi Grootscholten, EU Policy Officer
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