Subject: Re: Be Aware! Possible consequences of draft Copyright Directive
From: Melloni Marco (Marco.Melloni@CSELT.IT)
Date: pe 20 maalis 1998 - 17:32:42 EET
It seams to me that all this limitations make impossible the information
flow inside an enterprise and obsolete the work of the information
I read on the march 98 issue of "Information management report" page 5:
US Copyright bill wins approval of library group. Perhaps good news?
Da: Emanuella Giavarra <mailto:[]>
Inviato: mercoledė 18 marzo 1998 18.36
A: <>
Oggetto: Be Aware! Possible consequences of draft Copyright
Dear list members,
The ECUP Steering Group has identified the following consequences for
libraries, universities, documentation centres and archives if the
proposed Copyright Directive would be adopted without changes. In the
EBLIDA Position Paper amendments are proposed in order to try and curb
these consequences.
Under the new draft EU Copyright Directive of 10.12.97
Libraries, universities, documentation centres and archives cannot:
(unless they have a licence)
*display electronic copyrighted material on a screen on-site
*enable on-site users to view, browse and listen to electronic
copyrighted material for private or educational purposes
*enable on-site users to make a digital copy for private or educational
*provide access to digital material to remote users for private or
educational purposes
*make a digital copy of a work for preservation or archival purposes
*send copyrighted material via FTP or by email to another library
*send copyrighted material via FTP or by email to students or staff
within an institution
(Don't forget that these activities are performed on a non-commercial
Are there more?
Please send your opinion about the new draft Directive to this list.
Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra
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