Subject: Protection of Intellectual Property Law in the Information Age - Seminar
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: pe 20 maalis 1998 - 19:59:17 EET
(posted to CNI Copyright-list)
Maastricht University Proudly Presents:
The Maastricht/Amsterdam Summer University 1998
Maastricht University is to host two legal seminars of the
Maastricht-Amsterdam Summer University: the first from 30 June-
2 July 1998 on `The Introduction of the Euro in the European Union'
(organized by Prof. Jan Wouters) and the second from 4-6 July 1998 on
the `Protection of Intellectual Property Law in the Information Age'
(organized by Dr. Anselm Kamperman Sanders).
For the Introduction of the Euro Seminar confirmed speakers include:
Adriana Alvarez, European Savings Banks Group, Brussels; Dr. Peter
Bekx, European Commission, Brussels; Prof. Ton Daniels, Maastricht
University; Wouter Devroe, Universities of Leuven and Maastricht; Elena
Flores, European Commission, Brussels; John Hegarty, Federation
europeenne des experts comptables (FEE), Brussels; Karel Lannoo, Centre
for European Polic Studies, Brussels; Chris Sunt, De Bandt Van Hecke &
Lagae, Brussels; Geert Temmerman, Cabinet Belgian Minister of Finance,
Brussels; Prof. Jan Wouters, Maastricht University and University of
For the Intellectual Property Seminar confirmed speakers include: Prof.
Adolf Dietz, Max-Planck-Institute in Munich, Germany; Prof. Charles
Gielen of the University of Groningen, the Netherlands; Prof. Willem
Grosheide of the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands; Prof. Hugh
Hansen of Fordham University School of Law, New York, USA; Prof. Adrian
Sterling of Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, UK;
Prof. Alain Strowel, Saint-Louis University of Brussels, Belgium.
Registration information can be obtained from the Amsterdam-Maastricht
Summer University, P.O. Box 52066, 1007 RB Amsterdam, the Netherlands
(fax: +31.20.62493-68), on, and on
Anselm Kamperman Sanders PhD (Lond.)
Associate Professor in Trade and Intellectual Property Law
Maastricht University
PO Box 616
6200MD Maastricht
tel. ++31 43 388 3216
fax. ++31 43 325 8981
mob. ++31 6 51789657
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