Re: US Digital Licensing Seminar

Subject: Re: US Digital Licensing Seminar
From: CopyrtLib (CopyrtLib@AOL.COM)
Date: ma 16 maalis 1998 - 22:10:13 EET

DIGITAL LICENSING WORKSHOP--On April 21, 1998 in Washington, DC, attend a 3
hour session on digital licensing, in which participants will be led through a
clause by clause analysis of a typical licensing agreement. The workshop will
examine: licensing arrangements generally; what uses of works can be made
through a licensing agreement; sublicenses and secondary rights; moral
rights; compensation; duration of a licensing agreement; who owns what;
revocation of rights in certain circumstances; credits; and warranties and
indemnities. Anyone involved in the use or licensing of digital materials,
including photographers, writers, Web site and CD-ROM developers, those in
museums, archives and libraries are encouraged to attend. For further
information on this seminar in Washington, D.C., or other U.S. or Canadian
cities, email or or call

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