Subject: Annual Conference UK Serials Group
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: pe 30 tammi 1998 - 14:01:03 EET
21st Annual Conference and Exhibition
30 March - 1 April 1998
University of Exeter, England
Further information and an online booking form is available on
our Web site
[Some highlights of this excellent meeting are reproduced below.
--The Moderators]
Monday 30 March
Registration and exhibition viewing, Peter Chalk Centre
11.00 - 11.15
Opening of Conference: Welcome, Richard Hodson, Chair, UKSG and
Alasdair Paterson, University Librarian, University of Exeter
Keynote session: Mapping the futures
11.15 - 11.45
Serials happenings: the information industry in transition
James T Stephens, President, EBSCO Industries Inc, USA
11.45 - 12.15
The next five years: a publisher's ambition
Robert Kiernan, Chairman and Chief Executive, Routledge Publishers
Holdings Ltd
12.15 - 12.45
Signposts to the future: the librarian's direction
Alan MacDougall, Director of Library Services, Dublin City
University, Ireland
Knowledge management
14.00 - 14.30
Managing information as a corporate asset
Nigel Horne, Director, KPMG IMPACT Programme
14.30 - 15.00
Sharing expertise in practice: the way forward for knowledge management
Jacqueline Cropley, Consultant, formerly of Clifford Chance
15.00 - 15.30
The long road to information integration: suggestions for the way
Suzie Alexander, European Sales Manager, Ovid Technologies Ltd
15.30 - 16.00
Refreshments and exhibition viewing
16.15 - 17.15
Workshops, Queen's Building
Tuesday 31 March
In the market for electronic products
10.00 - 10.30
Acquiring electronic products in the hybrid library: prices,
licences, platforms and users
Peter Leggate, Keeper of Scientific Books, Radcliffe Science
Library, University of Oxford
11.00 - 11.30
Dataset purchasing options: united we save, divided we pay
Mike Johnson, Director of CHEST & NISS
11.30 - 12.00
Developments in the UK Pilot Site Licence
John Fielden, Director, CHEMS
12.00 - 12.30
Consortial purchasing: the US experience with electronic products
Julia Gammon, Head, Acquisitions Department, University of Akron, USA
Serials in public libraries
13.45 - 14.15 Switching on serials: the British Library's
Electronic Serials in Public Libraries project
Margaret Evans, Loughborough University
14.15 - 14.45
MagNET and EARL: Internet access to newspapers and journals in
public libraries
Hugh Marks, Technical Services Manager, Westminster Libraries &
and EARL Serials Task Group convenor
The cost of quality
16.45 - 17.15
Scientific publication and the UK Research Assessment Exercise:
an assessor's view
W F Vinen, University of Birmingham and Chair of the Physics
Assessment Panel
17.15 - 17.45
Journals: what makes the added value
Griffith Edwards, Editor-in-Chief, 'Addiction' and Emeritus Professor
of Addiction Behaviour, University of London
17.45 - 18.15
AGM, Newman Lecture Theatre
including reports from Claus Pedersen, Chair, European Federation of
Serials Groups, and Susan Davis, President, NASIG
Wednesday 1 April
10.00 - 10.30
SuperJournal: the publishers' perspective
Michael Mabe, Director, Material Science Publishing, Elsevier Science
11.00 - 11.30
HEDS: accessing for the future, preserving the past
Simon Tanner, Digitisation Consultant, Higher Education Digitisation
11.30 - 12.00
Hanging on to what we have got: economic and management issues in
providing perpetual access in an electronic environment
Malcolm Smith, Director, British Library Bibliographic Services &
Document Supply
12.00 - 12.20
The world of 'Hello!'
Sally Cartwright, Publishing Director, 'Hello!' Magazine
12.20 Close of Conference and lunch
It will greatly benefit all workshop participants if they can
undertake some advance preparation in their chosen subjects, and bring
with them to the sessions any documentation from their own organisations
likely to be of general interest.
1. Serials pricing issues
Mary Fugle, Blackwell's Information Services
In this workshop we shall explore various aspects of serials pricing
including pricing models, mechanisms for charging and the issues
surrounding the forecasting of changes in serials prices.
2. A beginner's guide to electronic library formats
Judith Wusteman, University College Dublin
HTML has come to epitomise Web publishing in the last few years.
But there are many other formats that have an important role in the
electronic library. We will discuss some of these, such as
SGML, PDF, PostScript, LaTeX, ASCII, and multimedia formats.
We shall also look at the implications of XML, one of the most
exciting recent developments in the field of document formats.
3. What next for organisational libraries?
Mark Field, Library Association
Information management, information technology and telecommunications
are at last coming together to bring about the revolution that we
have been anticipating for two decades or more. Or is it more of
a collision than a revolution? Either way, we have a role in creating
order out of chaos. Some of us have made a start, some are just
Let's look at what we can do.
4. Managing the electronic journal
Tony Kidd, University of Glasgow
E-journals have featured on the UKSG Conference agenda for at least
the last seven years. At last, they are becoming more widely
available, and we are moving on to manage their integration into the
standard library service. The workshop will look at examples of this,
and discuss options and ways forward.
5. Document delivery options
Anne Morris, Loughborough University
Faced with ever dwindling resources for acquisitions many librarians
are considering switching from 'just in case' to 'just in time'
provision. BLRDD has long been the main provider of document requests
but what other options are available and what effect does 'just in time'
provision have on library budgets, payment protocols, staffing, users,
training, technology, copyright, etc? This workshop will be your
opportunity to explore these issues.
6. Bibliographic control of serials
Sarah Thompson, University of York
This workshop will aim to address the crucial bibliographic issues
facing serials librarians. While the traditional problems of changes
of title, publisher and frequency remain, an ever-increasing number
of electronic journals must also be dealt with. This session will
therefore concentrate on aspects related to the cataloguing of
journals, beginning with a description of how and why we have
catalogued electronic journals at York, and leading on to a discussion
of the experiences of others.
7. Understanding licensing agreements
John Cox, Carfax Publishing Ltd
The emergence of online and CD-ROM products and the creation
of purchasing consortia have created the need for written agreements
setting out what libraries can and cannot do with the content
that they license. Everyone suddenly has to understand some basic
legal principles in order to acquire and to provide access to such
material. This workshop is designed to assist librarians and
publishers to interpret and negotiate licence agreements. Topics
will include: the importance of definitions; what every licence
should cover; prospects for standard form licences; and the
PA/JISC model licence and other sources of information.
8. Evaluating and measuring usage of e-journals
Neil Jacobs, Loughborough University
This workshop is intended to explore some of the issues around
assessing the value of e-journals and collections of e-journals.
Moving from a brief set of definitions, the workshop will then
consider the practicalities of measuring e-journal use and the
implications of those practicalities. Finally, we will look at
which criteria can and should be used in assessing online
collections of e-journals.
9. Tendering for library services and supplies
David Sidebottom, Swets Subscription Service
Jill Taylor-Roe, University of Newcastle
Are you involved in the tendering process as a member of a group
or as a lone institution? What are the expected goals and are
they realistic? What practical steps are needed to facilitate the
process? There will be a high level of participation in this
workshop as we consider these questions and share experiences.
10. Web design, structure and management
Sheila Harden, Consultant
A web site needs to be planned, structured and designed carefully
from the beginning. This workshop will give you the hints and
tips you need to make your site user-friendly and accessible.
Use of graphics, navigation, layout and speech friendliness are
just some of the topics that will be covered.
11. Electronic copyright permissions
Elizabeth Gadd, eLib Project ACORN
This workshop will examine the issues involved in seeking electronic
copyright clearance. Discussions will focus on the most effective
electronic permission-seeking strategies both in terms of identifying
and approaching rights holders and also in terms of possible future
12. Outsourcing
Diane Edmonds, Instant Library
As organisations look to cut direct costs and contract out services
such as reprographics and security, libraries and information centres
are increasingly coming under close scrutiny. Harrod's Librarian's
Glossary defines outsourcing as "the use of external contractors to
provide parts of a library or information service", and contracting
out as "the process whereby libraries concentrate on core activities
and invite outside agencies to tender for the supply of certain
services" - are these two concepts synonymous?
13. Linking quality information resources on the Web
Steve Hitchcock and Les Carr, University of Southampton, Open
Journal Project
Even with the dramatic acceleration in the number of quality
sources such as journals available on the Web there are demands
for tools to manage these resources to improve access and visibility
for users. At each stage in the information chain a new interface
needs to be developed to point, or link, users to the materials
they need. Aimed at subscription agents, librarians and publishers,
this workshop will offer a practical introduction to a set of
software tools to enable these links to be constructed.
The full residential fee for members of the UK Serials Group is
£255.00 + £44.63 vat (£299.63) and £320.00 + £56.00 vat (£376.00)
for non-members. The non-member fee includes membership of
the Group for 1998. This Conference fee covers attendance at
sessions, workshops, all meals, refreshments, social functions and
accommodation for the nights of 30 and 31 March. For details
of day rates and accommodation for the preceding Sunday night,
please refer to the booking form.
Further information:
Jill Tolson
UK Serials Group Business Manager
114 Woodstock Road
Witney OX8 6DY
Tel: +44 (0)1993 703466
Fax: +44 (0)1993 778879
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