Subject: ECUP national legislative recommendations available on the Web
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: pe 16 tammi 1998 - 02:22:29 EET
Dear list members,
The ECUP Steering Group has made a first draft of national legislative
recommendations in the area of copyright. The document called "Towards a
balanced information society" has been put in a format that can be
readily used. The document can be found on the ECUP Web-site under
ECUP-info/Documents at:
Also have a look at the ECUP-info/Latest News section. It contains the
following items:
* Publishers and librarians continue discussions
* ECUP Steering Group appoints two new members of archive and museum
* ECUP workshops report available on the Web
Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra
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