Libraries and Publishers as Main Players in the Information Society

Subject: Libraries and Publishers as Main Players in the Information Society
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ti 06 tammi  1998 - 13:34:38 EET

Dear list members,

>From 10-12 February 1998, the 4th European Bielefeld Colloquium on
"Libraries and Publishers as Main Players in the Information Society"
will be held in the Stadthalle in Bielefeld (Germany).

Traditionally, this conference is organised by three partners: The
British Council, Cologne, the Buchhandler-Vereinigung, Frankfurt an
Main, and the University of Bielefeld. The organisers are expecting 600
participants from more than 20 countries.

The conference will be held in English and in German with simultaneous

Further information can be found at:

Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra

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