Libraries and internet liability

Subject: Libraries and internet liability
From: Mark Perkins (
Date: ma 17 marras 1997 - 17:27:41 EET

The EU Commission (DGXV) is considering the issue of legal
liability for internet content. This will probably not be via the
Copyright Directive but will be looked at "horizontally". As both EU
and national governments policies regarding internet access rely on
libraries, this is an issue that could have wide ramifications for
our sector and end users.

Will libraries be liable for material their end users access via
library terminals? Will they be liable for links they or their end
users create? Could they be prosecuted for content placed on their
server by end users? Will libraries be more or less liable for
internet content than for traditional media?

While the articles below are not specifically about libraries, many
do refer to them directly, while they all raise issues of concern to
our sector.

Cyber-Rights and Civil Liberties (UK) Report, 'Who watches the
watchmen: Internet content ratings systems and privatised
censorship', November 1997,

European Commission FORUM: The protection of minors and human
dignity in audiovisual and information services:-
Labelling, rating and filtering systems on the Internet

Mark Perkins, RRMG Librarian
ODI Library, Portland House
Stag Place. London SW1E 5DP UK
TEL: +44 (0)171-393-1650 FAX: +44 (0)171-393-1699

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