European Electronic Commerce and the Internet

Subject: European Electronic Commerce and the Internet
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ke 17 syys   1997 - 12:48:20 EEST

Dear list members,

This message was sent to the EBLIDA-list by Barbara Schleihagen.

Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra

The first European conference on electronic commerce and the Internet
economy for information professionals will take place on 14 October 97
Amsterdam. Papers include:

*The librarian's role in electronic commerce, K.W. Neubauer, University
library Bielefeld
*Subscription agents using Internet: the case of SwetsNet, D.A.
Sidebottom, Swets & Zeitlinger, Amsterdam
*Surf, Search and Survive the information overload, G.H. te Vaanhold,
Alta Vista Europe, Veenendaal
* The future of the Telecom Industry and Information Access
D. Summers, AMERITECH Europe, Brusssels
*Applications of Bookselling using Internet: Blackwell's Online
C. Beckett, Blackwell's Online Bookshop, Oxford
*Electronic Commerce in the Business-to-Business Market, F. Melis, IBM
ISBU Banking, Uithoorn

Conference fee before 27 September: Dfl. 400,-
after 27 September: Dfl. 450,-
Conference language: English

Further information: Conference Secretariat CAOS
Tel: +31-20-589 32 32
Fax: +32-20-589 32 30

Best wishes,
Barbara Schleihagen

Barbara Schleihagen, Director
Heidi Grootscholten, EU Policy Officer
P.O. Box 43300
NL-2504 AH The Hague
Tel: +31-70-309 06 08
Fax: +31-70-309 07 08

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