Subject: Re: Expressions of Folklore
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ti 16 syys 1997 - 12:29:57 EEST
Dear Lesly,
I am not aware of any WIPO documents or other documents on the issue of
It is a new area for WIPO and at the meeting of 10 September 1997 it was
announced that WIPO will take action in this area on the request of
mainly the African countries.
Maybe somebody else on the list will know about an article on this
Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra
Lesly Ellen Harris wrote>
> I'm wondering if you can refer us to any further WIPO or other documents
> available on the Net to consult on the issue of the protection of folklore.
> Thanks.
> Lesley Ellen Harris
> Copyright & New Media Lawyer
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