NEW TRICKS 2: eLib and Telematics: Projects and Partnerships

Subject: NEW TRICKS 2: eLib and Telematics: Projects and Partnerships
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ma 28 heinä  1997 - 18:34:07 EEST

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NEW TRICKS 2: eLib and Telematics: Projects and Partnerships
Bournemouth University Library & Information Services Conference
(BULISC '97) 27-29 August 1997.

The eLib Programme, in the UK, and the Telematics Applications
covering the whole of the EU, are developing independently applications
that will have a major impact on libraries in the near future. This
conference will for the first time bring together projects in key areas
of interest, to allow both potential users and the project workers
themselves to compare aims, objectives and results thus far.

The Conference
* Brings you keynote speakers from funding organisations with key
roles in developing the electronic library.
* Offers a unique opportunity to hear reports on progress in key
sectors in both eLib and Telematics Programmes.
* Allows 8 eLib and 8 Telematics projects to give demonstrations
during presentations and in a demonstration suite.
* Presents formal reports drawing together results from and
to the presentations by projects.
* Stages a major debate on the electronic library and outcomes of
the programmes.
* Offers an evening's sail along the beautiful Dorset coast.

The Conference is aimed at senior managers and those with more technical
interests; however all with an interest in the electronic library,
including library school staff, students and researchers, will benefit
from attending.

While the emphasis is European, the developments discussed will be of
interest to the wider international audience.

Bournemouth is a premier holiday resort and international conference
centre, with excellent shopping and entertainment facilities. The town
is just 100 miles from London and its airports, well served by the main
road and rail networks. Onward travel to IFLA '97 in Copenhagen is
easily arranged.

Bournemouth University is one of the newer universities, occupying an
attractive campus of modern, easily accessible buildings. Residential
accommodation is provided in the Student Village, in new purpose-built
houses comprising single study-bedrooms and common living areas.

DAY ONE: 27 August
2.00-3.00pm Registration & Tea
Afternoon Session chaired by David Ball, Head of BULIS
3.00-3.15pm Welcome and Introduction
3.15-4.15pm Telematics Applications Programme - Speaker from DGXIII of
the EC
4.15-5.15pm eLib Programme - Kelly Russell
7.00-7.30pm Sherry Reception (sponsored by B&MBC)
7.30-9.00pm Conference Dinner
9.00-11.00pm Bar

DAY TWO: 28 August
8.00-9.00am Breakfast

9.00am-5.00pm 45-minute presentations by the following projects:

>From eLib: ADAM, DIAD, Internet Archaeology, LAMDA, MIDRIB, SEREN,
Superjournal (for details see:

LIBERATION, ONE (and one other to be confirmed; for details see:

Projects from the two programmes will be grouped together in four themes
run in two parallel sessions throughout the day.

6.30-10.00pm Boat Trip along the Dorset coast to include supper

DAY THREE: 29 August
8.00-9.00am Breakfast
Morning Session chaired by Prof. Robin C. Alston, University College
9.00-10.00am Four Synoptic Reports on Project Presentations and
Demonstrations - Rapporteurs
10.00-10.30am Coffee
10.30-11.00am Chairman's Introduction - Prof. Robin C. Alston
11.00-12.30pm Panel Discussion and Debate
12.30 Close

Complete ONE form per delegate.

Closing date for registrations: 1st August 1997

Telephone No:
Fax No:
email Address:

Invoice Address (if different from above):

Please indicate any special requirements (dietary/mobility):

(All options include Conference Proceedings, sponsored by BLCMP)

Residential (all inclusive): GBP295.00 + VAT (GBP346.63)

Non-Residential (excludes accommodation only): GBP250.00 + VAT

Daily Rates (include Lunch, except for Day 1):
Day 1 - GBP95.00 + VAT (GBP111.63)
Day 2 - GBP170.00 + VAT (GBP199.75)
Day 3 - GBP100.00 + VAT (GBP117.50)

I enclose a Cheque* for £........................

Please invoice my organisation for £........................

*Cheques should be made payable to: Bournemouth University

Please return completed form to:
Mrs Sally Grant, Conference Secretary

Cancellations between 7th July and 11th August 1997 will incur GBP50.00
administrative charge. There will be no refunds for cancellations after
11th August.

For latest details and online booking form see:

  Mrs Sally Grant
  Bournemouth University
  Dorset House Library
  Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow
  Tel: +44 01202 595044 Fax: +44 01202 595475 email:

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