Subject: Issue 10 of Ariadne now available
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ma 28 heinä 1997 - 15:50:53 EEST
This message was originally posted to the ispo-list.
Issue 10 of Ariadne is now available from:
The Web version of this issue includes:
* Clifford Lynch, the new Executive Director of CNI (Coalition for
Networked Information), was recently interviewed by Ariadne. Clifford
shares some views on mirroring, caching, metadata and Z39.50 and how he
sees his role in CNI.
* eLib: Changing the Lightbulb - er, the Culture: How many eLib
projects does it take to change the higher education culture in the UK?
Clare Davies, Alison Scammell and Matthew Hall discuss.
* Electronic Journals - problem or panacea?: Judith Edwards outlines
of the problems faced by academia in the acquisition and provision of
electronic journals.
* Electronic Document Delivery - a trial in an academic library: In the
first of a two-part article, Fiona Williams describes the trials of
various electronic document delivery systems in University of Bath
and Learning Centre over the last few years.
* Dublin Core Management: Andy Powell presents three models for the way
in which metadata can be managed across a Web-site and describes some of
the tools that are beginning to be used at UKOLN to embed Dublin Core
metadata into Web pages.
* Setting priorities for Digital Library research: Graham Jefcoate
outlines the rationale of the British Library Research and Innovation
Centre's Digital Library Research Programme.
* Copyright Management Technologies - the key to unlocking digital
Anne Ramsden brings us up to date with current developments in copyright
management technology.
* eLib project updates from ACORN, Education-line, ERCOMS and Netskills
* A section where we invited the people behind several of the major
Web-based resources for librarians (and, for that matter, academics,
students and researchers), to tell us about what they have built and
maintained, and how it is useful for people in the academic and research
communities. Articles in here from BUBL, NISS, the Berkeley Digital
Library SunSITE, Library Association, R*cade and TNAUK
* The new SOSIG Interface: Tracey Hooper describes the new interface and
features of SOSIG, the premier Web-based subject gateway for the Social
* The Librarian of Babel: The self-citation machine: The Librarian,
talking to Mike Holderness, uncovers the true purpose of the World-Wide
* Search Engines Corner - Keyword Spamming: Cheat Your Way To The Top:
Tracey Stanley shows how metadata can be abused to enhance the search
engine ranking of Web pages.
* Interviews with Chris Zielinski and Dennis Nicholson
* Metadata: to be, or not to be (catalogued): Gordon Dunsire thinks that
all is not rosy in the garden that is metadata, and wonders how it can
assist cataloguing in a real-world sense.
* Conference reports from the 2nd 2nd International Symposium on
Networked Learner Support (NLS), the 1997 US Digital Libraries
Initiative meeting and the Working Meeting on Electronic Records
* ...and several other articles, features and reports, including the
return of the caption competition, guest starring Norman Wiseman, JISC
head of programmes.
+++ Ariadne Web Editor eLib Web Information Officer
Tel: 01225 826354 (live) 01225 465064 (messages) Fax: 01225
"I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, so now what
with isn't it anymore." - Abe Simpson
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