IMPRIMATUR Conference on Rights, Limitations & Exceptions

Subject: IMPRIMATUR Conference on Rights, Limitations & Exceptions
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ti 15 heinä  1997 - 23:56:35 EEST

‘Rights, Limitations & Exceptions: Striking a Proper Balance’

An International conference to debate rights and exceptions to copyright
legislation relating to digital trading

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
30-31 October 1997

DAY ONE 30 October, 1997
· Keynote Speech
· Working Groups

KEYNOTE SPEECH: Dr Bernt Hugenholtz, Institute for Information Law,
University of Amsterdam

The scene will be set with a keynote presentation by Dr Hugenholtz,
which will provide the background to the current situation regarding
rights and exceptions in copyright law.

WORKING GROUPS: Delegates will split into working groups for the rest of
the day. All participants will discuss the same issues in 7 groups
(maximum 15). Each group will be led by a Chairman with considerable
reputation and expertise in the field. Dr Thomas Dreier of the Max
Planck Institute, Mr Ralph Oman, former Register of Copyrights, US
Copyright Office, Mrs Tarja Koskinen-Olsson, General Manager of KOPIOSTO
and Mr Jean-Paul Triaille, member of DGXIII’s Legal Advisory Board have
already agreed to act as Chairmen of the working groups.

DAY TWO 31 October 1997
· Plenary Session with Reports from the Working Groups
· Question & Answer
· Response from Panel
· Final Q & A Session

REPORTS FROM WORKING GROUPS: Conference delegates will reconvene for a
plenary session. Each Working group will report to the conference on the
substance of their previous day’s discussions.

PANEL RESPONSE: Representatives from DG XV of the European Commission;
WIPO; the US Copyright Office; Central and Eastern Europe will be
invited to respond from their perspective.

FINAL OPEN FORUM: There will be an opportunity for further questions
before the close of the conference.

The same range of topics will be looked at by each working group and
will cover:

· Scope of rights in copyright
Transient copying; incidental copying; caching; browsing
· Non-commercial uses
Libraries and archives; education; disability; personal use; private
· Commercial and technical solutions
Site licences; technical protection systems; rights management
· Public Interest
News; criticism; review; public domain/duration; moral rights;
non-voluntary licences


Anyone interested in the balance of rights would benefit from attending
this conference, particularly those whose business involves maintaining
a role for copyright in the digital information environment -
publishers, the record industry, film producers and television
companies, broadcasters, hardware and software producers, collecting
societies, libraries online service providers etc.

FURTHER DETAILS, including registration forms, will be available shortly
via the IMPRIMATUR Web Site and will also be widely circulated by mail
and email.

The Conference is being jointly organised by IMPRIMATUR* and IFLA
(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) and
the planning of the Agenda has been undertaken by a Steering Committee
consisting of representatives from the IPA, FEP and International STM;
ACT and EBU; IFPI; EACEM; FIAPF; IFRRO; Telia Infomedia (Telcos);GESAC;
ECUP; EWC, Bild Kunst (visual artists) EMF.

* Partners in the IMPRIMATUR consortium are: Authors’ Licensing and
Collecting Society, Bertelsmann AG, The British Library, Confédération
des Sociétés d’Auteurs, Editeurs et Compositeurs, Tagish Ltd., Croft
Communication Consultants, DigiCash, EUSIDIC, Institute for Information
Law, University of Amsterdam, International Federation of the
Phonographic Industry, The Digital Copyright Forum of the USA, Teles AG,
Telia Infomedia, University of Florence. Affiliate partners are:
EDItEUR, United States Copyright Office, EBLIDA, International STM,
IFRRO, Association of European Performers’ Organisations.

Contact information:
Janet Hurrell, IMPRIMATUR, email:
Sarah Keates, IFLA, email:

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