Use of Medline abstracts

Subject: Use of Medline abstracts
From: Luca Segantini (
Date: pe 11 heinä  1997 - 11:41:16 EEST

I wonder if you can help me on the following one: as a publisher, my
company is putting together a database of abstracts regarding a > specific drug.

We would like to obtain information on the copyright issues of such
service, assuming that:
1. the database will consist of 500-600 abstracts downloaded from
2. it will be loaded on a floppy disc
3. it will be distributed in 5000-10000 copies and distributed to
doctors by the reps of our client.

I have already asked the National Library of Medicine, in the US, and
all they can say is that I should require legal advice before

Our lawyer says there is no rule to be safe unless we apply to every
single journal.

Any better suggestion?

Many anticipated thanks.

Yours sincerely,

Luca Segantini
piazza dei Volontari 4
20145 Milano - Italy
tel. ++39 2 33106880

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