Subject: The Future of Fair Dealing in Australian Copyright Law
From: Norman, Sandy (
Date: ma 02 kesä 1997 - 14:54:51 EEST
Dear colleagues,
There is a really food article in the latest issue of JILT - -
which I strongly advise you all to read. It is called the Future of
Fair Dealing in Australian Copyright Law by Peter Brudenall a
solicitor from Sydney. It refers a lot to Australian law but this was
based on UK law so there is a lot which is relevant to the UK and also
Europe in the light of the forthcoming Directive. Brudenall makes
some suggestions for the future of fair dealing: make it broader (i.e.
fair use); restrict copying to within libraries only; a statutory
licence for users; and paying for uses of ther Internet from
advertising. All good food for thought.
Sandy Norman
Information Manager (Legal and Parliamentary)
Information Services
The Library Association
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