SureSign fingerprinting technology

Subject: SureSign fingerprinting technology
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ti 06 touko  1997 - 16:53:16 EEST


Fratelli Alinari will protect images with SureSign fingerprinting

Fratelli Alinari, the world’s oldest photographic archive, has today
announced that they will license HighWater Signum’s advanced SureSign
digital fingerprinting technology.

Under the terms of the agreement HighWater Signum will license the
SureSign fingerprinting technology to Fratelli Alinari for use with all
visual material managed by them. These include valuable historic
collections such as the Alinari, MacPherson, Brogi, Anderson and Villani
collections – a total of 3 million digitised images.

During 1997, Florence-based Fratelli Alinari, will incorporate HighWater
Signum’s SureSign fingerprinting technology into image management
systems to help protect, identify and track high value digital images
supplied via CD-ROMs and the Fratelli Alinari Web site. Fratelli
Alinari’s new on-line services will also be similarly protected when
they come on stream later this year.

“We are very happy to have the security that SureSign brings to our
valuable images,” commented Andrea de Polo, Fratelli Alinari’s Head of
Technical Development, “With Alinari’s long experience, we know that it
is very difficult to stop copyright theft completely. Our trials of
currently available watermarking systems have shown that SureSign
fingerprinting is the most effective solution available to us right

“Naturally, we are very pleased that after extensive trials of all the
competing systems, Fratelli Alinari have chosen our technology ”Alan
Bartlett, HighWater Signum’s Business Manager commented.” He continued,
“Asthey make their collections more accessible, any archive as valuable
as Fratelli Alinari must protect their images with the most effective
means possible.”

As principal beta tester, Alinari have chosen to use HighWater Signum’s
fingerprinting technology in their work for the European Union funded
IMPRIMATUR intellectual property protection project which aims to set
international industry standards for the 21st century.

SureSign technology, was devised by English mathematician and data
compression expert, Dr David Hilton. The SureSign method is controlled
by precisely calculated algorithms that do not degrade like alternative
random noise based systems. Additionally, the SureSign fingerprint
carries not just a creator ID but, uniquely, an image or transaction
reference which helps users track and monitor the use of their creative

The SureSign fingerprint is remarkably robust and is impractical to
remove once embedded, being designed to withstand the effects of editing
and manipulation. Attempts to extract or modify the embedded fingerprint
code will simply result in the material being destroyed or rendered

HighWater Signum are acknowledged leaders in the science of
imperceptibly marking valuable digital images and were the first company
in the world to offer fingerprinting technology and package it into
off-the-shelf software tools.

HighWater are continuing to license their innovative technology to
content creators and providers as well as application developers and
communications companies world-wide.


HighWater Signum is a subsidiary of HighWater Designs Limited - the
innovative developer of pre-press interfacing, imaging and
computer-to-plate systems.

SureSign and SureSign fingerprinting software tools are part of a
growing range of copyright protection and communications products for
creative professionals, publishers and content providers.

HighWater Signum Limited has its head office at Cheltenham in
Gloucestershire, England, with local offices in the USA and Singapore.

Fratelli Alinari is the world’s oldest photographic archive consisting
of a number of historical and contemporary collections from around the
world. It was founded in 1852.

Fratelli Alinari also manages a photographic museum, an exhibition
gallery and a fine-art publishing operation.

Fratelli Alinari is located in Florence, Italy.

For more information, please contact:
Alan Bartlett, HighWater Signum Limited,
2-6 St George's Business Park, Alstone Lane, Cheltenham, GL51 8HF, UK.
Telephone: +44 (0)1242 221390 - Fax: +44 (0)1242 251600


Andrea de Polo
Fratelli Alinari
15 Largo Alinari
50123 Firenze
Telephone: +39 (0)55 23 95-201
Fax:+39 (0)55 23 82 857

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