Subject: Re: ECMS
From: Sally Morris (
Date: pe 25 huhti 1997 - 10:42:12 EEST
Douglas Armati has written a number of very comprehensive and useful reports:
One (a year or more ago) for the STM group of publishers (contact: Lex
Lebebvre (
A recent article in the journal Logos, Vol 7, No 4, pp268-272.
A (rather expensive) market research report 'Intellectual Property in
Electronic Environments' (Cambridge Market Intelligence, London House,
Parkgate Road, London SW11 4NQ - ISBN 1-897977-66-2)
Sally Morris
Director of Copyright & Licensing, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK
At 21:10 24/04/97 +0000, you wrote:
>Thank you for responding to my question on fair use and public
>I am also looking for literature on ECMS, both in theory and
>practice. I wish to know more about how these systems work and which
>kind is the most practical (e.g. watermarking or encryption).
>Annika Bysveen
>Student of library and information science
>College of Oslo, Norway
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